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当前位置:首页 单词大全 mow


英[məʊ] 美[moʊ]

  • v.割(草、麦等);刈;扫射扮鬼脸
  • n.草堆;谷物堆;鬼脸
  • 【名词:】mower
  • 【过去式:】mowed
  • 【过去分词:】mowed/mown
  • 【现在分词:】mowing
  • 【第三人称单数:】mows

  1. 收割
  2. 刈倒
  3. 扫除
  4. 扫射
  5. 扫杀
  6. 扫平
  7. 摧毁
  8. 皱眉头
  9. 鬼脸
  10. 刈草
  11. 修剪
  12. 收入干草棚
  13. 做怪脸
  14. 割草
  15. 收割庄稼
  1. 干草堆
  2. 干草堆积处
  3. 麦秆堆
  4. 谷堆
  5. 皱眉头
  6. 鬼脸
  7. 草堆
  8. 皱眉
  9. 怪脸
  10. 谷物堆
  1. =Ministry of Works 建筑工程部
  1. vt. & vi. 刈,割 cut (grass etc.)
  1. a loft in a barn where hay is stored

  1. cut with a blade or mower;

    "mow the grass"

  2. make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip;

    "mop and mow"
    "The girl pouted"

I mow the lawn every week in summer.


the smell of new-mown hay


He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.


Did you recently clean the house, mow the lawn or snuggle your new kitten?

最近你是否清扫过房屋 、 修整过草坪或依偎过小猫?

Our difficulties may be mountains high, but we'll mow them down.

那怕困难和山一样高, 我们也要克服它们.

mow: Come in, my child.

智能老人: 进来吧, 孩子.

I have get to hang up mow. I have a class.

我现在得挂断了. 我有课.

They agreed and taught Mike to mow the lawn properly.


He slept in a barley mow.


Excuse me, please, I really ought to be on my way mow.

请原谅, 我现在真的该上路了.

CM , who will mow our lawn during Stasis?


He hired a man to mow the lawn.


Can we do the room mow?

现在可以打扫房间了 吗 ?

In summer we mow our lawn once a week.


I have to check out mow. I am in room 204. The name's Ruth Carson.

我现在得结账离开旅馆了. 我往204房间, 名叫鲁思卡森.

The population of the country has increased from 1.2 million 10 years ago to 1.8 million mow.


My grandmother is ill and she is at Johnson's mow.


' Must you mend that mow? ' ' I prefer to, a stitch in time saves nine. '

你非要现在修补不可 吗 ? “ 我宁可早补, 免得今后麻烦. ”

I must go mow . I have an appointment at half past four.

我得走了. 我四点半还有个约会.

We shall have to mow down the tall grass in the big field.


I don't think I can mow the lawn.


mow Sun Wong a puzzling decision that has had little if any influence.


Mixed office waste ( mow ) is a major source of available recycled fibers in the future.

混合办公废纸 ( MOW ) 是可回收纤维的一个主要来源.

They paint, clean up, or repair houses, do their shopping and mow their lawns.

他们涂刷墙面 、 理卫生或修理房屋 、 助购物或修整草坪.

Then he said: ' The landlord has a thousand mow of land, let's harvest his crop. '

然后对大伙儿说: “ 地主有一千多亩庄稼, 咱们全给他收了! ”

One day a youth espied her as he was hunting. She saw him and recognized him as her own son, mow grown a young man.

一日,她被一个正在行猎的小伙子看见了, 她认出来这个猎手原来是自己的儿子, 现在已长成为一个翩翩的少年.

You must mow down the long grass in the big field.


mow: They are born in the heart of the ocean . Well , let's call them Haier Brothers.

智能老人: 他们出生在大海的深处, 就叫海尔兄弟吧.

I have to pay my bill mow. The name is Jack London. Room 254.

我现在得付账了. 姓名是杰克伦敦, 254房间.

The proposed amalgamation of the two institutes has mow fallen through.


  1. The men are mowing.
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Everyone was mowing their lawns.
  2. The man was mowing field.
mow down (v.+adv.)
    摧毁,屠杀 destroy; kill people in large numbers
用作动词 (v.)
  • A field of rich clover ready to be mown.

    出自:T. F. Powys
  • We'll mow all day and if need be through the night.

    出自:J. Gardam
  • Neighbours spoke to each other as they mowed their lawns.

    出自:M. Angelou
  • Yvonne Griffaton's father..came to mock and mow at her.

    出自:M. Lowry
  • Mopped and mowed at, as their train worms through a tunnel.

    出自:W. H. Auden

  1. mow的基本意思是“刈”“割”,指用镰刀或割草机割草或其他植物。mow与down连用,还可喻指“杀死”“摧毁”。
  2. mow有两种过去分词形式mown或mowed。mown可作定语或构成被动结构, mowed只能用在被动结构中。
  3. mow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。

上一个:pull down

下一个:push down




