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当前位置:首页 单词大全 musk


英[mʌsk] 美[mʌsk]

  1. 麝香
  2. 麝香香味
  3. 发出麝香味的植物
  4. 【动】麝,麝香鹿
  5. 【植】香沟酸浆
  6. 暗灰黄棕色
  7. 香猫
  8. 类似麝香的物质
  1. an odorous glandular secretion from the male musk deer; used as a perfume fixative

  2. the scent of a greasy glandular secretion from the male musk deer

musk is a substance with a strong smell which is used in making perfume.


1. 麝香:14 - 麝香 (musk)麝香是非常昂贵的中药材,因其材料非常珍贵,同时也用在保养增加异性缘的物品. 舒解镇定,解除忧郁及沮丧,增加浪漫的心情,催情效果. 15 - 泰姬玛哈 (Maharaja Gold)放松精神,舒缓情绪,可帮助过滤室内空气,

2. musk

2. 香:麝香(musk):是从雄性喜马拉雅麝鹿身上提取的颗粒状晶体,囊体约有胡桃大小,提取过程毋需杀害麝鹿. 在所有香料品种中,香味最浓烈,针尖大的一点可在相当大的范围内持续飘香几周,若在手帕上滴一滴可以留香几十年.

3. musk的解释

3. 麝香鹿:musk tree 麝香树 |musk 麝香鹿 |musk-ox 麝香牛

4. 麝香(香料):0305 玫瑰油 rose oil | 0305 麝香(香料)musk | 0305 香料 perfumery

a musky perfume (= smelling of or like musk )


Like amber and incense, musk, benzoin.

仿佛龙涎香 、 麝香 、 安息香和乳香.

musk is used for perfume and stimulant.


Ruby with great intensity . Smell of blackcurrant, blackberry, mint , musk , smoked fruit jelly.

明亮的红宝石色,有黑霉、黑醋栗 、 薄荷 、 烟熏等香气.

Dimly discernible saw pear, WenLan musk mouth weak.

缥缈见梨花淡妆, 依稀闻兰麝余香.

Samples routinely analysed included suspected bear gall bladder and musk grains.


Her voice, when speaking, like singing of orioles , ho , her breath , when exhaling, having musk scent.

声出而有莺语之韵兮气吐而有麝蕙之馥 ﹒.

musk, Dvl and PAK 1 form complex among them.

Agrin会 增加肌肉细胞中PAK1的激酶活性.

musk is used for perfumes and stimulant.


musk is produced naturally by the musk deer and is used to attract other deer sexually.


Look not for musk in dog's kennel.


Ruby with great intensity . Expressive smell with blackcurrant, blackberry, spices, smoked moss and musk.

明亮的红宝石色,有丰富的黑醋栗, 黑莓, 烟熏, 香料和麝香的香气.

China and Russia are home to the majority of musk deer.


Includes : crushed peony, sueded musk, sheer tuberose , woven cassis, and crepe gardenia.

牡丹, 麝香, 晚香玉, 黑醋栗, 栀子花.

To be on Xixiang, fluttering households half open. Flowers partition action, suspected to musk.

待月西厢下, 迎风户半开. 隔墙花影动, 疑是玉人来.

musk is one of the rare medicinal materials and is usually sophisticated with different adulterants.


But what really sets them apart are the musk glands under their tails.


It has the odour of musk.


So this kind of equilibria liquid phase was useful to separate musk ketone and musk xylene.


musk ox calves huddle together during a snowfall at musk Ox Farm in Palmer, Alaska.


But the contents include musk, mandarin orange peel and cow's liver.

而药品的成份包括麝香 、 橘皮和牛黄.

It'smells like musk.


Chinese musk Fragrance. Fragrances are an inexpensive way to perfume unscented hair products and Body Oils.

中国麝香香油, 这款是使发部和身体散发香味的不贵的香油.

The coming musk rose, full of dewy wine.


Vanilla musk Fragrance. Fragrances are an inexpensive way to perfume unscented hair products and Body Oils.

香草麝香香油, 这款是使发部和身体散发香味的不贵的香油.

Special glands in his wrists produce a smelly musk that collects in the fur of tail.


musk is essential to perfumery because it has important elements of diffusion and staying power.


Ruby with great intensity . Great smell of blackberry, candied blackcurrant , prune, musk , tobacco, liquorice and smoked.

明亮的红宝石色,有丰富的黑莓, 黑醋栗, 烟熏, 烟草和麝香的香气.

The combined vacuum distillation and melt crystallization technology purify DDHI from artificial musk.


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