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英['naɪtklʌb] 美['naɪtklʌb]

  • 【形容词:】nightclubby
  • 【名词:】nightclubber

  1. a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink;

    "don't expect a good meal at a cabaret"
    "the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night"
    "he played the drums at a jazz club"

Anightclub is a place where people go late in the evening to drink and dance.

1. 夜总会:另外,bB概念车则以年轻族群为对象所开发的产品,外观具备独特俐落的年轻化设计,车室则营造出类似夜总会(nightclub)的风格,以9颗喇叭的环绕音效,营造出著重音乐的强烈风格.

2. 夜总会 (出现的应该是chick):MUSEUM 博物馆 |nightclub 夜总会 (出现的应该是chick) | ROLLERCOASTER 过山车

3. 夜总会 (名):nightclothes 睡衣 (名) |nightclub 夜总会 (名) | nightfall 傍晚, 日暮, 黄昏 (名)

Adriana : No way! This is TV studio, not a nightclub!

不可能! 这是电视台, 不是夜总会!

Next time you go to a nightclub , check out the people around you.

下次你去夜总会的时候, 留意一下周围的人们.

Plans to build a new nightclub enraged the local residents.


All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub ( should ) be moved away as soon as possible.


He quickly collapsed from loss of blood near a nightclub and died later in hospital.


That nightclub has a good reputation for its cabaret.


Joan: We went to a nightclub but the bouncers would not let us in!

琼: 我们去了一家夜总会,可是保安不让我们进去!

Yesterday at the nightclub he picked up two girls.


She had become a nightclub hostess.


Recreational facilities, such as chinese restaurant, nightclub, sauna health centre and catering make you unforgettable.

中餐厅 、 夜总会 、 桑拿、沐足、美食城等齐全的娱乐配套设施, 令您的商旅之行更是写意.

I invested in a nightclub. It opens tonight. Want to come?

我投资的夜总会今晚开幕你要去 吗 ?

A Yes, there's great dance music in the nightclub.

A是的, 那家夜总会的舞曲非常棒.

So odds are slim they'll waft up to a human nose and fuel sudden passion nightclub.


Let's meet at the Red Rose nightclub at 7:00 this evening, OK?

咱们今晚七点在红玫瑰夜总会门口碰头, 好 吗 ?

In fact, I knew she was not working in any nightclub.

事实上, 我知道她压根儿就没在任何一家夜总会工作.

Let's all decked out and go to a nightclub.


By the way, I still havn ` t go to nightclub yet.

顺便说一句, 我还没有去过夜店.

There is a very good nightclub nearby.


I'm like the loser in the nightclub who keeps hitting on the hot babe.


If you are a Twinkie, it is the nightclub and bar scene.

如果你想勾引, 就去夜店和酒吧.

When I arrived at the crowded nightclub, my friend had to flag me down by yelling.

当我去喧闹的夜总会时, 我的朋友不得不大喊来吸引我的注意力.

This is a TV studio, not a nightclub!

这是电视台, 不是夜总会!

A VIP pass to the hottest nightclub in town.


This group of photos were shot from Seoul in a nightclub, which includes 140 explicit photos.

这组照片均拍自韩国首尔某夜店内, 其中包含140张露骨照片.

Sometimes the nightclub is rented out to a concessionaire.


The nightclub played such great vibes that everyone was up and danced all night long.


And disco a kind of nightclub.


I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out.


He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer.







