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now and agai...
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now and again

  1. now and then or here and there;

    "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"
    "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"
    "they visit New York on occasion"
    "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"
    "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"

1. 有时:13. onceagain 再一次 | 14.nowandagain有时 | 15. at the age of 在...几岁时

2. 不时地,间或:one after another 一个接一个 |nowandagain 不时地,间或 | overand overagain 一再地

3. 不时:Now accaunt 可转让活期存款帐户 |nowandagain 不时 |nowand then 偶尔

4. now and again的近义词

4. 不时地, 有时候:291come to达到某状态 | 292nowandagain不时地, 有时候 | 293call for需求,要求

He fluctuated between hope and despair.


Her moods kept changing,now happy, now sad.


He looked at the girl and smiled.


Bulges and tentacles of ore extend haphazardly from a central mass.


I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.


now and again he'd join in when we were playing video games.


now and again , he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell.


I only go there now and again.


Drop in now and again.


now and again the hunter can hear a long - draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.


I feel a twinge in my back now and again.


Our fingernails need cutting now and again.


He bore away to the left, stopping now and again to eat muskeg berries.

他转向左面走着, 不时停下来吃沼地上的浆果.

now and again the wolves, in packs of two and three, crossed his path.

那些狼, 时常三三两两地从他前面走过.

I'll admit that now and again he had a sort of tub - thumping eloquence.


She would hold her course all day, with a finger to the wheel now and again.


We've got little bits, but it's only now and again, and never current stuff.

我们搞到了一点点儿, 但只是偶尔能搞到, 而且从来都不是当前情况.

Every now and again she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep.


Only now and again , violent little shudders would come over her , out of her subconsiousness.

只是在偶然的时刻, 在她的潜意识中会产生出少量激动的震动.


下一个:no problem




