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当前位置:首页 单词大全 organi...


英['ɔːgənaɪz] 美['ɔːgənaɪz]

  • v.组织;有机化;安排

  1. 举办
  2. 给予生机
  3. 组织
  4. 有机化
  5. 安排
  1. =organize(美)
  1. bring order and organization to;

    "Can you help me organize my files?"

  2. create (as an entity);

    "social groups form everywhere"
    "They formed a company"

  3. form or join a union;

    "The auto workers decided to unionize"

  4. cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea

  5. arrange by systematic planning and united effort;

    "machinate a plot"
    "organize a strike"
    "devise a plan to take over the director's office"

  6. plan and direct (a complex undertaking);

    "he masterminded the robbery"

1. -> see organize

1. 组织:杨正这个家伙,自己藏不就行了,他居然还拉了一大帮人参与,很快,同学们一个个相继进入黑手党组织,并为黑手党起了个挺隐蔽的名字--BHO,即黑(black),手(hand)组织(organise)的三个首字母.

2. organise

2. 有机化:organicist 唯器官变化论者 |organise 有机化 |organise 给予生机

3. organise的翻译

3. 给予生机:organise 有机化 |organise 给予生机 | organism 有机体


4. (美organize) vt. 组织:2001 ordinary a. 普通的,平常的 | 2002organise (美organize) vt. 组织 | 2003organiser (美organizer) n. 组织者

The former are the containership end users who organise port to port or intermodal container services.


Two ago they helped activists organise protests against Japan in several Chinese cities.


Some students claim that they order such papers as a way to organise organize their research.


Each evening we organise quiz nights, film evenings, treasure hunts, botanical garden visits and much more.

每天傍晚,我们安排有:猜谜之夜 、 片欣赏 、 宝 、 观植物园和其他活动等等.

They also organise events to promote Hong Kong's image.


A 4 : I can organise my time efficiently.


We might have a little committee and perhaps organise live music or games.


To organise and conduct market research and development, and customer requirement review.

组织并开展市场调查和开发, 以及顾客需求评审.

He has the ability to organise.


To organise, direct and supervise the School Improvement Program activities in communities.

负责学校改进项目在县办社区的组织 、 管理和实施.

organise assigned station and ensure readiness prior to guest arrival.


I have time to sit around and organise how to get you back?

我有时间坐在那想着怎么接受你回来 吗 ?

organise training venues, logistics , transport, accommodation as required to achieve efficient training attendance and delivery.

安排与组织培训地点 、 后勤 、 运输及住宿,以实现高效的培训流程.

CEBS did organise some tests last year, on 22 banks, but the results were kept private.

CEBS去年对22家银行组织了一些测试, 但是并没有公布结果.

Furthermore students are encouraged to take the initiative to plan and organise their own activities.


Continue to organise liaison tours to maintain close relationship with mainland officials.


Mr Liu's offence, apparently, to organise a petition calling for more democracy.

显然,刘小宝的违法行为在于, 他组织了要求更多民主的请愿.

I have to work on the preparation of pre - season and organise training sessions.

我需要为赛前 热身 阶段做预备,安排练习时间表.

Ability to prioritise and organise service assignments at all tables in assigned station.


Were they to organise and unify, they would quickly overwhelm and crush all opposition.

一旦兽人组织起来,统一目标, 很快就能摧垮一切敌手.

To organise voluntary workers to work for the welfare of stray, abandoned and abused cats.

组织义工参与各项有关流浪 、 受遗弃或虐待猫只之福利工作.

Zip drives help people to organise their important information.


Smith prides himself on being able to organise his own life.


Lacking sovereignty, they could organise no defence against their oppressors.


He tried to organise things so that the trip would be dressed up as a UN mission.


We can organise car rental from Chicago O'Hare Airport.


Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.







