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out of order

英[aʊtəv'ɔːdə] 美[aʊtəv'ɔːrdər]

  • 发生故障;次序颠倒

  • 紊乱,出毛病

1. 故障:1988年由洛、都兰都兰合唱团(Duran Duran)吉他手Andy Taylor和Chic合唱团贝斯手Bernard Edwards共同制作的<>(OutOfOrder)专辑在美国异常受欢迎其中共发行四首单曲,对洛而言是前所未有.

2. 出故障的:outof doors 在户外 |outoforder 出故障的 |outof place 不适当的

3. 发生故障,失调:onorder that 以便 |outoforder 发生故障,失调 | put inorder 整理,检修

4.out of order:ooo; 故

Let's try to straighten out this confusion.


They live in a rough part of town.


He'll soon grow out of wetting the bed.


This is the batch of watches that all have the same fault.


Engineer is trying to pinpoint the cause of the trouble.


My boyfriend helped me repair the breakdown of my computer.


The telephone was out of order, but is functional now.

电话刚才坏了, 但现在可以用了.

The elevator to success out of order.


Not that the machine is out of order, but that I have not learned to operate it.

不是机器出了故障, 而是我还没学会操作.

Yes, operator. The number I dialed is out of order.

是的, 接线生. 我拨的号码出故障了.

The incidental is always out of order in the family, find arbitrarily everywhere?

家中杂物总是毫无秩序, 到处乱跑 吗 ?

The typewriter is out of order.


The chairman told him that he was out of order.


That last remark is uncalled for, out of order, and you will please withdraw it.

那句话是不必要的, 是不妥当的, 请你收回.

The air conditioner seems to be out of order.


The propeller of the plane is out of order, and is under repair.

这架飞机的螺旋桨出了点问题, 正在维修.

The chairman ruled to the question out of order.


You hate things to be out of order, don't you?'she said teasingly.

‘你憎恨事情没有秩序, 是 吗 ? ’ 她揶揄道.

The lift is out of order so I shall have to walk up.


That lathe went out of order at times.


Be out of order to settle the market, general idea is to pass governmental intervention.

为解决市场失灵, 一般的办法是通过政府干预.

Don't fool with my papers; you may get them out of order.

不要动我的文件, 你可能把它弄乱.

Where be out of order is abracadabra?


He came to the conclusion that the machine was out of order.


What shall we do if the equipment go out of order after the warranty period?

过了保用期后,设备再出现故障 怎么办 ?

The car is out of order.


The machine is out of order.


' You hate things to be out of order, don't you?'she said teasingly.

“ 你憎恨事情没有秩序, 是 吗 ? ” 她揶揄道.

Needing something means getting your only cell phone fixed when it is out of order.


The second electron tube is out of order.


Her stomach is out of order.


Our tractor is out of order.


Who's pissing about with my manuscript? They're all out of order.

谁在乱动我的手稿? 全给弄得乱七八糟的.

These papers are all out of order 'u2014 will you page them up for me?

这些报纸全乱套了——请你替我把它们排好页码好 吗 ?

You don't think the paper's a bit out of order in publishing it?


Their phone's out of order.


上一个:out of breath

下一个:once in a while




