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overall plan...
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overall plan

  • 总体规划


... overall objective 总体目标; 总体目标 overall plan 总体规划; 总体规划 overall score 总分; 总分 ...


如果这一步比较成功,将出现两种结果:即一个如何达到目标的“总体计划”(overall plan)和采取行动的某种决定。


1.4 项目规划产生的成果是什么一是全局的计划书overall plan),这里称为《项目计划》;二是一些下属计划书(Subordinate Plan),例如配置管理计划、质量管理计划、阶段开发计划和测试计划等...


... military strategy; 战略 overall plan; 方略 Lüe Wen 略文 ...

Is the overall plan constructs the entire process important technical paper.


Then, the dissertation gives an overall plan model of eCIS.

然后, 文章给出了现代企业竞争情报系统总体架构模型.

The chairman of the board is contented with your overall plan.


Promotes the overall plan level asas possible, realizes with the city same system solution.

尽快提升统筹层次, 实现同城同制的解决方案.

To achieve such effects , Beijing shall solicit opinions from first - rate architects and make an overall plan.

要做到以上几点, 首都应该听取得来自 一流 建筑师的建议并作出整体规划.

At the current stage , we should study and formulate overall plan for west development.

当前, 要抓紧研究制定西部开发的总体规划.

Technology total program is model produces document of technology of overall plan, harmonious sex.

工艺总方案是型号生产总体策划 、 协调性技术文件.

The river crossing at the Yangtze Estuary is an important component the overall plan of Shanghai.


Under the integrated systematic environment, the overall plan of design of object - oriented CAIP system is studied.

在此集成系统中,研究 面向对象 的CAIP系统的总体设计方案.

To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first - rate architects make an overall plan.

要做到以上几点, 北京应该听取得来自 一流 建筑师的建议并作出整体规划.

上一个:Overall care

下一个:overall life




