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own up详情
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own up

英[əʊnʌp] 美[oʊnʌp]

  • 承认错误
  1. admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error;

    "the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting"

If youown up to something wrong that you have done, you admit that you did it.

own up的意思

e.g. The headmaster is waiting for someone toownup...
e.g. Last year my husband ownedup to a secret affair with his secretary.

1. own up的意思

1. 坦白:own to 承认 |ownup 坦白 |own 自己的

2. 承认错误;坦承:On one'sown独立地 |Ownup 承认错误;坦承 | A pack of cards一副纸牌

3. 坦白地承认,供认:3687owing to因为,由于 | 3689ownup坦白地承认,供认 | 3690ownern. 所有人,物主

4. 完全,坦白供认:dismal令人忧郁的 |ownup完全,坦白供认 | enrage使暴怒

The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up.


I advise you to own up at once.


You had better own up.


Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.


If no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.

假如谁都不出来供认这一不良行为, 放学后所有的学生都得留下.

Politicians don't like to own up to their mistakes.


If your ball broke the window, you should own up.

如果是你的球打破了玻璃窗, 你应该爽快地承认.

People will respect you more if you own up to your problems.


But I'll own up fairly , I've the shakes upon me for the gallows.

不过我对你说实话, 我一想起绞架就忍不住要发抖.

Cap'n Smollett's a fine seaman, as I'll own up to any day, but stiff on discipline.

斯摩莱特船长是个出色的海员, 我一直这么说, 但他的纪律太严.

I think the person's very selfish not to own up.


own up to your wrong - doings and save yourself a lot of troubles.


They will not own up until they are exposed.


She persisted in her denial [ in her refusal to own up ].

她一直否认 [ 拒不承认 ].

You'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.


上一个:confidence debt

下一个:come clean




