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palliative care

  • 姑息治疗;安宁疗护


palliative care (姑息治疗)是肿瘤康复学科中很重要的部分,也是缓和医疗中主要组成成分。


... 护理,Nursing 护理/助产学/医疗/护理/转换在姑息治疗,Nursing/Midwifery/Health Care/Transitions in Care/palliative care 营养与健康,Nutrition and Health ...

For many years I worked in palliative care.


Palliative care also could help cut spiraling medical costs, Smith says.


Palliative care is treatment to relieve, rather than cure, symptoms caused by cancer.


Since then she has founded palliative care services at 40 long - term - care facilities.

此后,她已经在40个 长期 照护院所建立了缓和医疗中心.

Berger had an early, firsthand understanding of the need for palliative care.


Although most patients understand the concept of palliative care, few have detailed knowledge.

听过安宁缓和医疗的人很多, 但真正了解的却极为少数.

Results There is an increasing need for palliative care service in patients with advanced cancer.


This article mainly introduced the connotations, objectives, principles and basic contents of palliative care.

主要介绍了姑息护理的内涵 、 目标 、 原则及基本内容.

The goals total care in hospice palliative care include relief of pain and suffering.


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