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patient of详情
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patient of

  • adj.能忍受 ... 的

  • 能容忍…
  1. showing the capacity for endurance;

    "injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving"
    "a man patient of distractions"

He is patient of cold and hunger.


Such occurs with the patient of colonic carcinoma.


Does the patient of fracture have head of what long bone?

骨折的病人吃啥长骨头 呢 ?

What should the patient of hypoglycemia and low blood pressure notice?


Objective: Investigation on HRCT of patient of Fei - Yin deficiency syndrome.

目的: 观察肺阴虚证患者的 高分辨 CT表现.

After treatment, the prognosis of patient of MPC was favourable.

获得早期诊断的患者,经过积极治疗后, 预后较好.

I have been a patient of Dr Smith for many years.


Now the fans be patient, of course, he is very patient.

球迷现在必须要有耐性, 当然他自己很有耐性.

The patient of esophagus cancer, can have vomitive appearance.

食道癌的病人, 会有呕吐现象.

A patient of the psychosis, wear in hospital handstand on foot.

一位精神不正常的病人, 在医院倒立着走路.

To the diarrhoea enteritis patient of gentamicin allergy, with what injection cure?

对于庆大霉素过敏的腹泻肠炎患者, 用什么针剂治疗?

We report a case of 34 years - old female patient of choroidal melanoma.


How should patient of coronary heart disease notice food? How to exercise?

冠心病病人应怎样注意饮食? 怎样锻炼?

I'm a patient of Dr. Stephens.


Sailors are patient of hardships.



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