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当前位置:首页 单词大全 pouch


英[paʊtʃ] 美[paʊtʃ]

  • n.小袋;小包;囊状袋
  • vt.装 ... 入袋中;用袋运输
  • vi.用袋送信件
  • 【形容词:】pouchy
  • 【过去式:】pouched
  • 【过去分词:】pouched
  • 【现在分词:】pouching
  • 【第三人称单数:】pouches

  1. a small or medium size container for holding or carrying things

  2. an enclosed space;

    "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"

  3. (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)

  1. put into a small bag

  2. send by special mail that goes through diplomatic channels

  3. swell or protrude outwards;

    "His stomach bulged after the huge meal"

Apouch is a flexible container like a small bag.

Thepouch of an animal such as a kangaroo or a koala bear is the pocket of skin on its stomach in which its baby grows.

1. 小袋:有了卷轴后,向东、东、南,看树桩(stump),得到小袋(pouch),向南走3次,再向东走4次. 拿到碗(bowl),看看碗,装满(fill)碗. 向北走,看看海滩(beach),得到鹅卵石(pebbles). 向东、南、东、南、南,现在进入一栋奇怪的房子(在里面用键7和9向上,

2. 钱包:流行款式为软质零钱包(pouch)、超大尺码包(XXL Bag)、中性包(unisex bag)、肖像包(portrait)、运动风格的购物包(shopper)、后背包(backpack). 黑白色调使女鞋展现高贵气质,却是不失自然、平静的色彩计画. 此外,

3. 囊:2)胃肠间质肿瘤(GIST)的诊断要点2.胃肠间质肿瘤(GIST)的治疗要点3)空肠囊(pouch)间置法4)空肠囊(pouch)间置法

4. 袋:实验包括了在外科手术上取出动物消化系统的部份,切断神经束来判定影响,还有在消化器官和外部囊袋(pouch)之间植入瘘管(en:fistula)以测试器官的内容. 这些研究成为许多消化系统研究的基础.

a tobacco pouch


She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.


Padded nylon carrying pouch with shoulder strap included.


Because of Morpheus quality bad reason caused pouch oedema, what method is solved?

因为睡眠质量不好的原因引起了眼袋水肿, 有什么办法解决 吗 ?

This piece features a signature waistband a flattering pouch, and a one of a kind cut.

有特色的签字腰带,和讨人喜欢的兜袋, 贴身的剪裁.

The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother's pouch.


A side profile with the small but still obvious brooding pouch.


She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.


Black Lambskin Leather small hand bag pouch sac New!


Honey + pollen + is jelly OK dispel pouch?

蜂蜜+花粉+蜂王浆可以祛除眼袋 吗 ?

The pouch after discharge makeup is serious Hei Qing, how repair?

卸妆后眼袋严重黑青, 怎么修复?

He was going to make a tobacco pouch out of them.


How to use pouch of fruit vegetable dispel?


pouch is very serious, what method still can be saved besides lifting fall?

眼袋很严重, 除了整容还有什么办法能拯救下 啊 ?

Patients with a high pouch have a poorer result.


Is milk drunk before sleeping in the evening? Can you grow pouch?

晚上睡觉前喝牛奶好 吗 ?会不会长眼袋?

Two Glister toothbrushes with protective caps, one Glister Fluoride Toothpaste ( Sample size ), and one Travel pouch.

健齿牙刷连牙刷套两支 、 健 齿氟素牙膏旅行装乙支及便利携带袋乙个.

How does ability go black pouch?


Dispel capillary vessel, acne, pouch, black eye.

祛除红血丝 、 痤疮、暗疮、酒渣鼻 、 眼袋 、 黑眼圈.

The old man is always carrying a tobacco pouch with him.


The female has a pouch on its stomach for carrying its young.


Purpose : To investigate the indications, operation techniques and clinical effects of modified Indiana pouch.

目的: 探讨改良Indiana膀胱术的适应证 、 手术方法并对疗效进行评估.

At birth, the baby kangaroo lives in its mother's brood pouch.


Who is living comfortably in Mom's pouch?

谁会在妈妈的钱袋里舒适地生活 呢 ?

Is apply over can the ripe egg of pouch still eat? Poisonous?

敷完眼袋的熟鸡蛋还能吃 吗 ?有毒 吗 ?

Darwin frog: The male Darwin frog hatches his eggs in a pouch in his mouth.

达尔文蛙: 达尔文雄蛙用舌头把卵卷进嘴里,之后雄性达尔文蛙则继续进食.

How does milk add vinegar to you can eliminate pouch quickly?


pouch hung from belt gold Spiced beef meat stays fresh, pure flavor.

金褡裢五香牛肉肉质鲜嫩, 香味纯正.

  • Those little pouches Victorian gentlemen..put their watches in.

    出自:J. Fowles
  • A pretty sum you must have pouched last night.

    出自:F. Trollope






