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英[præŋk] 美[præŋk]

  • 【过去式:】pranked
  • 【过去分词:】pranked
  • 【现在分词:】pranking
  • 【第三人称单数:】pranks

  1. acting like a clown or buffoon

  2. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement

  1. dress or decorate showily or gaudily;

    "Roses were pranking the lawn"

  2. dress up showily;

    "He pranked himself out in his best clothes"

Aprank is a childish trick.

1. 无恶意的恶作剧:恶作剧prank | 无恶意的恶作剧prank??? | 祈祷 pray (vi She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings.

2. 反常运转;装饰:Prandtl number 普朗特数 |prank 反常运转;装饰 | prase 葱绿玉髓

3. 胡闹:prank oneself up 打扮 |prank 胡闹 |prankish 戏弄的

a childish prank


Student pranksters have done considerable damage to the school buildings.


B : Great! A prank call! That's it. We're going to stay in a hotel tonight.

太好了! 一通骚扰电话! 够了. 我们今晚去住酒店.

It is controversial whether sow false news on the net april fool's day an online prank.


It is said that the warning call made by an anonymous caller proved to a prank.


One of these skits, ' The King of Beasts ' resembles a traditional frontier prank.

一出滑稽短剧《兽王 》 酷似传统的边疆闹剧.

I thought the prank was pretty funny, and I mentioned it to my father.

我觉得这恶作剧很好玩, 就跟父亲提了此事.

The dean was ranking the boys for pulling the prank.


In addition, both writers oppose the false love and death through a prank way.

另外, 鲁迅与夏目漱石又都以一种近乎戏谑的方式来反对一种虚假的爱与死.

Ms. Luo said she had received prank calls and plenty of criticism.


My older sister put me up to making a prank telephone call.


My older Brother put me up to making a prank telephone call.


Hickson, not entirely sure this wasn't some sort of prank, thought a moment before replying.

希克森, 不肯定这是不是某种恶作剧, 但是他还是想了一会儿,然后回答.

It was just a harmless prank, that's all it was.

那仅是一次无伤大雅的恶作剧, 仅次而已.

When people come together to create a prank, it encouragescreativityand gives outside of the workload.


The prank . We were lynching ( lynched ) , it we were mind it ( murdered ).

这代表我们被处以 私刑, 我们被谋杀.

He was the goat of their vicious prank.


Dido: a mischievous prank or antic; a caper.

胡闹: 一种调皮的恶作剧或胡闹; 鬼把戏.

It is controversial whether sow false news on the net april fool'san online prank.


Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, ' April Fool! '

无论怎么胡闹, 骗局结束的时候,人们通常对受害人喊道: “ 笨蛋! ”

The nooses are no prank. We were lynched, we were murdered.

这些绳套不是恶作剧. 我们被处以了私刑, 我们被谋杀了.

My brother shook up my mom's soda, as a prank.


It was thought that the fire alarm had been set off as a prank.


  • Still a boy at heart in his sense of fun and enjoyment of family pranks.

    出自:K. M. E. Murray
  • Amid great trees..pranked with blue and russet wings.

    出自:E. Blunden
  • Laurie Lee's book..is pranked out with countless small pleasures of light and colour.

  • He may..prank with the young 'uns while the crops go to naught.

    出自:Virginia Quarterly Review
  • He laughed, just to let everybody know he was pranking.

    出自:H. Hornsby






