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press down详情
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press down

  • 向下压
  1. press down;

    "Depress the space key"

[ Burke ] There's an arrhythmia when I press down on the tumor.


To deactivate the system, just briefly press down the accelerator pedal.

想要关闭这个系统,十分简单, 只要踏一下加速踏板即可.

Put the dispenser body onto the suckers then press down to fix.


press down resident of contemporary type building achieve 30 % above completely.


press down on the cover to assure proper alignment.


press down both green buttons until yellow indicator light stops flashing.


press down switch, and start up it.

按下开关, 并启动它.

press down the trigger and start painting.


press down on the lever.


Exhale, jump back, press down, elbow close.

呼气, 重心在手上,向后跳, 往下压, 胳膊肘往内.

The headfirst forward roll requires press down with feet, jump, prop up with and roll consistently.

鱼跃前滚翻动作,要求蹬 、 跃 、 撑、滚连贯,腾空高,滚翻圆滑.

Since air has weight, it press down on the surface of the earth.

既然空气具有重量, 地球表面准会受到它向下的压力.

Since air has weight, it must press down on the surface of the earth.

既然空气有重量, 它就必定压向地球的表面.

Lightly press down on the omelet with the spatula to seal it together.


To clean the shaver , press down the blade frame, release button to disassemble the blade frame.

清洁时, 按住刀锋框架, 按下按钮把刀锋框架拆除.


下一个:slow down




