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prospect for...
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prospect for


... prospect for勘探 market prospect市场前景 bright prospect光明的前景,辉煌的前程 ...


... prospect n. 前途,(成功等的)可能性 v. 勘探,勘察prospect for 勘探,勘察 allowance n. 津贴,补贴,零用钱 ...


miscarriage » (名) 失败; 流产; 误送 prospect for » 展望 We had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadn’t seen for 20 years.


... he should not be treaded this way » 他不应这样滑 prospect for » 前景展望 why and how and solution » 为什么和如何和解决方案 ...

The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop.


The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.

由于这个议案明显地违反了宪法, 它能否得到通过的前景就有点不明显了.

They went there to prospect for gold.


Today professional geologists prospect for oil.


In addition, application prospect for ionic liquids is presented.

在此基础上, 展望了离子液体在导电高分子中的应用前景.

Chapter Six: prospect for the application of ABCM in China? s manufacturingindustry.

第六章: 作业成本法在我国 制造业 的应用展望.

The prospect for East Asia's economic development is promising.


We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market.


To prospect for ( oil, for example ) in an area supposed to be unproductive.

盲目开掘在认为资源不足的地区盲目找 ( 如油 )

A prospect for 21 st Century's Grease Packing Technology.


This review briefly introduces the techniques, rejections, impacts on recipients and prospect for pancreas transplantation.

本文简要阐述了胰腺移植的技术 、 排异反应 、 对机体的影响及展望.

There is a bright prospect for production of the amorphous silica out of the industrial slag.


If it is credible, it will probably bring new prospect for universal evolvement.

如果它是可靠的, 那么它将对宇宙的演化带来全新的图景!

All this promises a broad prospect for scientific and technological co - operation between China and Russia.


China provide the finest prospect for overseas investor.


上一个:prospect pit

下一个:prospect hole




