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英['pɜːvjuː] 美['pɜːrvjuː]

  1. the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated;

    "It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge"

That, however, was beyond the purview of the court; it was a diplomatic matter.


She thought including this point in her opinion was within her judicial purview.


For similar reasons, the Independent Commission Against Corruption does not come within The Ombudsman's purview.

基于类似理由, 廉政公署亦不受专员管辖.

Preparing another of database and purview administer make the communication more safer.


They are fashioned privately, traded over the counter outside the purview of regulators.


In the security appliance , identity validation, security transmission and control of access purview were implemented.

这个安全平台实现了身份验证 、 安全传输和访问权限管理等功能.

As we have seen, however, this scheme includes special revelation within its purview.

可是, 正如我们所见, 这个架构本身包含了特殊启示.

These are questions that lie outside the purview of our inquiry.


Its purview is the portion of reality which is independent of religious, political, cultural, orphilosophicaloutlook.

其职权范围内的部分现实是独立的宗教, 政治, 文化, 或哲学观.

It mostly introduces the design of schoolwork module and purview of the web site management.


These are questions that lie outside '/ that do not come within the purview of our inquiry.


Examine and approve relative documents and data according the purview.


That, however, was beyond the purview of the court; it was a diplomatic matter.


  • Considerations that modern historians have been inclined to exclude from their purview.

    出自:Early Music
  • In a twinkling she was hidden..from the purview of the castle.

    出自:S. Weyman

上一个:sensible horizon

下一个:apparent horizon




