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英[ˌræʃnəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美[ˌræʃnəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]

  1. 合理化
  2. 理性化,合理状态
  3. 理论性说明,理论解释
  4. 【数】有理化
  5. 【心】文饰(作用)
  6. 合于经济原则
  1. the cognitive process of making something seem consistent with or based on reason

  2. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your true motivation is concealed by explaining your actions and feelings in a way that is not threatening

  3. (mathematics) the simplification of an expression or equation by eliminating radicals without changing the value of the expression or the roots of the equation

  4. the organization of a business according to scientific principles of management in order to increase efficiency

  5. systematic organization; the act of organizing something according to a system or a rationale

Certainly that was rationalization, but what is wrong with rationalization when -- the doorbell rang.

当然,这是阿Q精神.然而, 阿Q精神又有何错呢 —— 突然,门铃响了.

Special attention should be given to the rationalization of project assessment.


The rationalization of the proposed method is validated through simulation.


It has three basic characters: 1. the renaissance centered on rationalization.

它有三个基本特征: 1以理性主义为核心的启蒙精神.

Meet emergency products, rationalization of flexibility.

满足紧急性产品的灵活性 、 合理性.

Strategy is a combination between imagination and rationalization.


Furtherance of rationalization of business operations.


Hubei regional talents to promote rationalization of distribution structure, improving efficiency in the use of talents.

为促进湖北区域人才分布结构合理化, 提高人才使用效益服务.

Some rationalization proposal was emphasizingly raised to automatic records management, electronic documents and field condition control.

着重对企业的档案管理的自动化 、 资料档案的电子化和档案管理的现场环境控制提出一些合理化建议.

If you rationalize then it's not love, because there is always a better rationalization.

如果你能理性那么它就不是爱, 因为那始终有更好的理性化.

Operating synergies - including product and supply chain optimization and workforce rationalization - were at approximately 300 million per year.

经营协同作用 - 包括产品和供应链的优化和员工合理化 - 是针对每年约300元万元.

From theory, some measures and rationalization proposal to prevent casing failures are put forward further.


And the rationalization of production expectations and the desire to improve the scene.


The rationalization of braking device in a wrapping machine is approached in theory.


Human services, professional operation, the rationalization of prices, the international management of our service characteristics.

服务人性化 、 操作专业化 、 价格合理化 、 管理国际化是我们的服务特色.

上一个:explode a lie





