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英['rektɪfaɪ] 美['rektɪfaɪ]

  • 【形容词:】rectifiable
  • 【名词:】rectification
  • 【过去式:】rectified
  • 【过去分词:】rectified
  • 【现在分词:】rectifying
  • 【第三人称单数:】rectifies

  1. 纠正
  2. 矫正
  3. 改正
  4. 【电】整
  5. 【数】求的长度
  6. 更正
  7. 校正
  8. 【化】精馏
  9. 提纯
  10. 【电】整流
  11. 检波
  12. 【数】求长
  13. 【机】调整
  14. 拨准
  15. 核正
  16. 扭转
  17. 订正
  18. 整顿
  19. 求长度
  1. vt. 改正,矫正 put right
  2. vt. 精馏 make pure
  1. math: determine the length of;

    "rectify a curve"

  2. reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities;

    "refine sugar"

  3. bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one;

    "The Church reformed me"
    "reform your conduct"

  4. set straight or right;

    "remedy these deficiencies"
    "rectify the inequities in salaries"
    "repair an oversight"

  5. make right or correct;

    "Correct the mistakes"
    "rectify the calculation"

  6. convert into direct current;

    "rectify alternating current"

If yourectify something that is wrong, you change it so that it becomes correct or satisfactory.

e.g. Only an act of Congress couldrectify the situation...
e.g. That mistake could have been rectified within 28 days.

1. 整流:AC to DC : 叫做整流(rectify)用来整流的零件叫做整流器(Rectifier),通常是二极体(Diode)构成. 有种整流器称为桥式整流子(Bridge Rectifier). 目前的稳压技术有分两种,一种是开关式(Switching Mode)稳压. 一种是线性(Linear mode)稳压.


2. 整顿,调整:recover恢复;弥补 |rectify 整顿,调整 | redouble 加倍,倍增

3. 精馏:浸湿功 immersion wetting work | 精馏rectify | 聚(合)电解质 polyelectrolyte

Please rectify the mistake in my bill.


The captain had to rectify the compass reading.


He cleaned the bottle with rectified spirit.


Diodes are electronic devices which rectify alternating current to direct current.


to rectify a fault


We must take steps to rectify the situation.


The damage will be easily rectifiable.


Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation...


That mistake could have been rectified within 28 days.


You can rectify this fault if you insert a slash.


Review the Weld inspection reports for each project and rectify any possible documentation errors.


We will make great efforts to rectify the order of the tourism market.


The first is to rectify value direction and establish the correct and rational ethics ideas.


The main circuit includes rectify, PFC, inverter and the motor driving circuits.

主电路部分主要由整流 、 PFC 、 逆变及制动等环节构成.

Efforts were intensified to rectify the cultural products and services market.


Please rectify the mistake in my bill.


You cannot be used 0 put rectify extraction train of thought to calculate.


Processing also wants to rectify governmental oneself while processing consolidates market order.


rectify stand posture, never stand by shelf, chat and hang about.

在卖场站姿端正, 不得靠货架 、 闲聊、串岗.

The government make Constantly punishment and order to rectify, but illegal things were still and there.

对水师的不法行为,官府不断给予惩罚并下令整顿, 但是违法违规现象仍然此起彼伏.

Everyone of us is fallible. How to rectify our errors is the main point.

我们每人都会犯错, 如何把错误改正过来才是重点.

Current, terminal market of our country produce had been entered rectify and normative development phase.

目前, 我国农产品批发市场已经进入了整顿和规范发展阶段.

Otherwise, laminated lead after MLB product, even if the load baking sheet to rectify the situation.

否则, 层不抬后很便当变不败制品不活翘曲, 即使增不张力烘不活亦很难更正.

Does Wuhan Chinese rectify street baby articles use where sells and mother articlesuse comparatively well?


The method of correction is primarily to strengthen education so as to rectify individualism ideologically.


Therefore, the most enthusiastic students, we must rectify our love of the value orientation.

因此, 最有激情的大学生, 我们必须端正我们爱的价值取向.

I think that while we the reform we have to the economicand rectify the economic order.


Would you rectify the mistakes in my bill?

请你纠正一下我帐单上的错误好 吗 ?

Fourth , we will work to rectify and standardize the real estate market.


Let in the people heart fill to the serviceman, rectify malpractices in various trades'lofty respect.

让人们心中充满了对军人 、 军嫂 们的崇高敬意.

Change character, rectify will become impossibly with processing priority to tone.

换言之, 整顿与治理将不可能成为主调.

Causes for metal tanks distortion is analyzed. Methods, procedure and to rectify the distortion are illustrated.

简要分析油罐变形的原因,通过变形油罐整修实例,总结了变形油罐整修方法 、 整修程序和注意事项.

Check cleanliness and condition of assigned station and service areas; rectify any deficiencies.

检查所分配的区域的卫生,状况. 有任何不足之处及时解决.

用作及物动词S+ ~+n./pron.
  1. Please rectify the mistakes in my bill.
用作动词 (v.)
  • He found means..to rectify their opinion of his conduct.

    出自:Robert Watson
  • You can neither straighten their noses, nor..rectify their dispositions.

    出自:George Eliot
  • Now and then he falls into error, but..the specialists quickly..rectify it.

    出自:H. L. Mencken
  • He itemized the damage and took immediate steps to rectify it.

    出自:P. Ackroyd

rectify, correct, remedy
  • 这组词的共同意思是“纠正”“改正”。其区别是:
  • 1.correct意为“改正”,是普通用语,指改正缺点、毛病、错误,使之符合正确的标准; remedy意为“改善”,多指医治,也可指补救缺点、改进条件等; rectify意为“矫正; 整顿”,是正式用语,多用于正式场合,书面语言中较常用。例如:
  • Please correct my pronunciation.请纠正我的发音。
  • It is necessary that we (should) rectify the style of writing.我们有必要整顿文风。
  • 2.correct解决的是简单的是非问题; remedy是在多种方案中寻找最佳方案,有时也指局部的改进; rectify语气更强烈,表示彻底地变革。例如:
  • Has your homework been corrected?你的作业批改了吗?
  • We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to remedy the situation.我们准备采取一切措施来改变局面。
  • The Party's style must be rectified now.现在必须整顿党风。
  • correct,rectify,remedy,revise,amend
  • 这些动词均含“纠正,改正”之意。
  • correct指纠正或改正不正确、不真实或有缺点的东西。
  • rectify正式用词,意义较抽象,侧重指彻底改正偏离正确标准或规则的东西。
  • remedy正式用词,通常指在局部范围内进行纠正,尤指对困难或棘手问题的解决。
  • revise指通过仔细阅读、反复思考后而进行改正、订正或修订,使趋于完善。
  • amend书面语用词。指进行更正或改变,使之更好,符合更高的要求。
  • 上一个:fracture





