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当前位置:首页 单词大全 reset


英[ˌriː'set] 美[ˌriː'set]

  • n.重新设定;重新组合
  • v.重新设定;重新放置;重新组合
  • 【形容词:】resettable
  • 【名词:】resetter
  • 【过去式:】reset
  • 【过去分词:】reset
  • 【现在分词:】resetting
  • 【第三人称单数:】resets

  1. device for resetting instruments or controls

  1. set anew;

    "They re-set the date on the clock"

  2. set to zero;

    "reset instruments and dials"

  3. adjust again after an initial failure

You need to reset your watch to local time.


to reset a broken bone


As soon as you arrive at your destination, step out of the aircraft and reset your wristwatch.


He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm.


Use a ball - point pen or similar to push the reset button on the unit.


Be sure the RED reset button ( High Limit Control ) is properly set: push in firmly reset.

确保红色重置按钮 ( 高温限制控制器 ) 被正确设置: 如果需要重置,请使劲按一下重置按钮.

After power supply enter into shutdown, The power supply will rework after AC reset.

电源进入保护状态后, AC重置后电源才能重新正常工作.

We must reset the deadline for the outstanding projects.


reset pneumatic spring, mechanical spring reset, reset electromagnet operation.

气动弹簧复位 、 机械弹簧复位 、 电磁铁操作复位.

Mary's broken arm had to be reset.


Today we reset our internal and external perspectives on our Fourth Quarter.


If a deadlock occurs, the only solution is to reset the hardware.

如果死锁发生, 唯一解决的方法是重启动硬件.

KSD 301 is kick, automatic reset and of plastics.

KSD301系列为突跳式塑料为主体, 自动复位形式.

Elbot : OK, I will press the reset button on my cache memory unit.

那好, 我等下会重置我的缓存单元.

reset failure or no firmware on channel % 2, status % 3.

复位失败,或在通道%2上没有固件, 状态%3.

Glyph of Ice Block : Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset time you use Ice Block.


Flash memory write error. reset the power switch.

闪烁记忆写入错误, 关闭电源再重开.

When the debugging session ends, the hit count is reset to zero.

在调试会话结束时, 命中次数将重置为零.

How can I reset the Time Saved counter value?

我如何复位节省时间柜价值在 哪里 ?

Nucleus in a loaded dsp power or reset from the flash to load the application code.

一个加载核在dsp上 电或复位时从flash中加载应用程序源码.

You are to reset your own password immediately upon receiving the new password.


The receiver consists of a reset button on top of it.


When the render target is switched, the clipping region is also reset render target.

当渲染目标为转换后的时, 剪辑区域同样全部重置.

How do I reset a Dell BIOS password?


To restore the default Help Agent behavior, click reset Help Agent.

要恢复默认的帮助代理行为, 按重置帮助代理.

Some issues were fixed and Algalon the Observer should now properly reset time a raid wipes.


The reset Device option performs a hardware reboot of the device.


Are you sure you want to reset the bit rates to the program defaults?

您确实要将比特率复位为程序默认值 吗 ?

All approvals and rejections made in the current step have been reset.


You need to reset your watch to local time.


  • Both books have been entirely reset for this edition.


上一个:dismiss doubts





