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英['respaɪt] 美['respɪt]

  • 【过去式:】respited
  • 【过去分词:】respited
  • 【现在分词:】respiting
  • 【第三人称单数:】respites

  1. a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort

  2. a pause from doing something (as work);

    "we took a 10-minute break"
    "he took time out to recuperate"

  3. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

  4. a pause for relaxation;

    "people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests"

  5. the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment

  1. postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution

Arespite is a short period of rest from something unpleasant.

e.g. It was some weeks now since they had had anyrespite from shellfire.

Arespite is a short delay before a very unpleasant or difficult situation which may or may not take place.

e.g. Devaluation would only give the economy a briefrespite.

1. 休息,中止:respect 尊敬 |respite 休息,中止 | resplendent 华丽,辉煌的

2. 暂缓:respirometry 呼吸运动计量法 |respite 暂缓 | resplend 灿烂

3. 间歇:dissonant不和谐的a |respite间歇n | despite不管

4. 休息(时间 暂时的缓解或放松:secular adj. 世俗的(非精神的; 非宗教的) |respite 休息(时间 暂时的缓解或放松 | beget 产生(某事物 导致: War begets misery and ruin

The drug brought a brief respite from the pain.


There was no respite from the suffocating heat.


She continued to work without respite.


respite care (= temporary care arranged for old, mentally ill, etc. people so that the people who usually care for them can have a rest)


His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite.


It was some weeks now since they had had any respite from shellfire.


Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite.


This plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to get respite together.


There was no time for respite from the task at hand.


This brings only a respite for the prime minister.


Risk aversion is likely to remain elevated, suggesting little respite for most currencies against the USD.

避险意识很可能维持高企, 意味著大部份货币兑美元的汇价将不会得到太大的纾缓.

Massaging wrist, it can relieve and respite the pain on wrist and should.

按摩腕关节, 可消除或缓解手腕及臂膀的疼痛.

Changing your grip may bring temporary respite, or calamity.

或许抓个不同的部位会暂时缓解局面, 但也可能大祸临头.

Shoppers made the most of the respite, filling the city and its satellite shopping centres.

购物者充分利用这个休息时间, 市里和周边的购物中心到处人头攒动.

The tablets brought temporary respite from the excruciating pain.


The painkiller only provides him a short respite from his pain.


Is there to be no respite for me?

难道我永远得不到谅解了 吗 ?

The director gave the cast a short respite before the next scene.


But it is unlikely their respite will be for long.


At last, some respite for the beleaguered US Treasuries market.


Always after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow and grows again.

在被击败后,暂停一阵子, 黑暗会卷土重来.

Bridgend's respite from the wave of suicides lasted less than two months after Jenna Parry's death.


The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal.


Massaging neck, it can respite the pain on neck and shoulder.

按摩颈部, 可缓解颈部肩部的酸胀及疼痛.

respite care , where others temporarily care for the person with dementia, is essential.

除了帮忙, 有得时候其他人暂时照料痴呆症病人也是非常重要的.

Furthermore, there will be a restraint and respite.

此外, 上帝会约束忿怒并让我们在试炼中暂时缓解.

At midnight my temporary respite from blindness would cease, permanent night close in on me again.

午夜,我那短暂的失明后的重见状态就终止了, 永恒的黑夜重又回到我身上.

Yes, what she needs is just temporary respite, but she never give up.

是的, 她只是需要暂时的喘息, 但她永不放弃.

This comes as a welcome respite for professionals who've experienced layoffs, underemployment and visa issues.

这对经历了裁员 、 失业和签证问题的专业人士来说,算得上是可喜的喘息之机.

  • A short respite in the bombing.

    出自:N. Monsarrat
  • A respite from guilt.

    出自:G. Daly






