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rise and fal...
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rise and fall


小幅的起落(rise and fall)是有,趋势依然是大踏步的往前进每周每月我都会做个统计。凡是能满足女人的利益和感情的,都被她认为是千真万确之事。


说实在的,国度兴亡(rise and fall),匹夫有责,一私人可能到其它国度就业,朋友总是为你挡风遮雨,如果你在远方承受风雨,而我无能为力,我也会祈祷,让那些风雪降临在...


1、喜欢DJ舞曲的rise and fall(意大利),就点击上面的`加入音乐盒`,把Rise ..


... [rise and fall]兴盛衰废 [rise and fall (of a nation)] 兴盛与衰亡 [flourishing] 繁荣;欣欣向荣 ...

Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall.


The mountain ranges rise and fall.


Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.


There appeared in the first four games of the competition a situation of big rise and fall.


Stocks rise and fall, people loaf or work, but they go on forever.

股票行情有涨有落, 人们有的在闲荡,有的在工作, 而他们却永远如此.

Life is like the sea - men come and go; tides rise and fall.

人生如大海,人来又人往, 潮涨又潮落.

Pulses have fast rise and fall times , and minimal droop.

脉冲能迅速上升和下降, 减少误差.

The rise and fall of the temperature is caused by the wind.


With function of rise and fall.


A yo - yo can rise and fall.


The rise and fall of the tides.


Look, the yo - yo can rise and fall.

看, 溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降.

Dynasties rise and fall.


Trading is a process that exploits the rise and fall of market prices.


Hormone levels rise and fall at different stages of life including adolescence, pre - natal, post - natal and menopause.

荷兰蒙水平会因不同的人生阶段而升高或降低,包括青春期 、 产前 、 产后和更年期.

上一个:ebb and flow

下一个:come and go




