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save up

英[seɪvʌp] 美[seɪvʌp]

  1. accumulate money for future use;

    "He saves half his salary"

1. -> see save 2

1. 贮存:科学家正在研究如何利用(make use of)在山顶上累积(pileup)起来而贮存(saveup)在那的积雪的方法. pileup堆积, 积累;saveup储蓄, 贮存;make use of使用,利用;take care of照顾与文意不符. 他们利用转发站,


2. 储蓄;贮存;节省:save on 节省,节约 |saveup 储蓄;贮存;节省 | say yes 同意,允诺

3. 节省:makeup 化妆; 编造 |saveup 节省 | eatup 吃光

4. 储蓄:save the day 反败为胜;挽救了大局 |saveup 储蓄 | say it with flowers 笑容可掬,细生细气

Don't resort to cheap copies; save up for the real thing.


You'd better save up some money for your old age.


You should save up and get a house.


People often put money aside in order to save up enough to make one major expenditure.


By using the air ambulance to transport patients between hospitals, they can save up to 'u00a315,000 per patient.


Julie wanted to put some of her money aside for holidays or save up for something special.


' I'll have to get something else and save up. '

" 我得找些别的事情做,攒起钱来. ”

The reflected sunlight would allow these cities to save up electricity.


I'll get something else and save up. '


I thought perhaps I could find work and save up the fare.


He must save up for his rickshaw , losing his temper would never fill his belly.

省钱买车; 挂火当不了吃饭!

Bang! Bang! I'm already starting to save up my money to buy firecrackers.

砰! 砰! 我已经开始攒钱买鞭炮了.

Can access the page in the color scheme, save up.

更可以获取网页中的配色方案, 保存起来.适用于编程,网页制作等.

The reflected sunlight would allow this cites to save up electricity.


You can save up to 50 % on Fine Frfgrances & Luxury Gifts.

您买高级香水 和 豪华礼品能享受高达50%的折扣.

上一个:pile up

下一个:store up




