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secondary sc...
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secondary school

英['sekəndəriskuːl] 美['sekənˌderiskʊl]

  • 中等学校

  1. a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12

1. 初中:莱佛士书院(Raffles Institution)坐落于新加坡国家中心处碧山(Bishan, Singapore 575954)的一所相当于国内初中(SecondarySchool)的学院,按照新加坡的教学体制,全校拥有四个年级,共有学生一千多名.学校拥有主教学楼、高年级生楼、低年级生楼、餐厅、艺术中心,

2. 中学教育:教育体制可分为高等教育(Tertiary Education)、中学教育(SecondarySchool)和小学教育(Primary Education). 澳洲的多数大学,提供研生文凭,学士,硕士和博士学位等课程. 此外,澳洲还拥有250多所的专业技术学院(TAFE),其课程十分广泛且十分实用和灵活,

My high school coach is a stickler for discipline.


He was appointed the rector of the middle school.


She taught history at a secondary school...


One in four pupils leaving secondary school can't read or write properly.

中学毕业生中有 1/4 的人读写有问题。

It is all from the start of secondary school to the second year of university.


One point, on a point that I refuse to focus on secondary school outside.

一分, 就一分之差将我拒于重点中学校门之外.

In practice, even the and secondary school teachers and educators have been rarely touched the area.

实践者中, 即使城市的中小学教师和教育工作者对此概念也很少接触.

So even if the birthrate should rise somewhat, little expansion is possible for secondary school enrollments.

因此,即使出生率有所上升, 中小学入学人数不可能有大的增长.

Students were evacuated from the Albertville secondary school, where the attack took place on Wednesday.

学生们从艾尔伯特维尔中学中疏散出来, 那里是周三袭击发生的地方.

City Health School founded in 1953, is a health care personnel to train full - time secondary school.

忻州市卫生学校创建于1953年, 是一所专门培养医护卫生人才的 全日制 中等专业学校.

Degree Grade: Technical secondary school or higher and major in Electronics or Machine speciality.

学历: 电子、机械类专业中专以上学历.

Recently giving tutorials to kindergarten, primary and secondary school students focusing on English.

现为幼稚园及中小学生补习, 主要补英文.

Objective : To learn epidemiological characteristics of health risk behaviors among female secondary school students.

目的: 了解中专女生危害健康行为的流行病学特征.

secondary school Entrance Examinations Home Ronggui advanced rank.


Teachers in three primary schools are linked with a secondary school.


Please state the awards and scholarships obtained during your secondary school education.


secondary school means junior school and high school.


Graduate from technical secondary school, major in electrical design.

大专以上学历, 电气相关专业.

Primary and secondary school students with cell phones a lot of harm.


In West Vancouver secondary school.


Even primary and secondary school graduation examination success, rate of 100 %.

中小学毕业考试连创佳绩, 升学率达到100%.

Nan'ao County , Guangdong Province , Guangdong Province, Australia is the secondary school level.

广东省 南澳县 南澳中学是广东省一级学校.

Crime study shows that juvenile criminals have varying degrees of error during their secondary school time.


Megan had attended secondary school at a private girls'school five hundred kilometers from home.


I went to elementary school in Tianjin and secondary school in Shijiazhuang.


Above technical secondary school, work experience in inspection position.

中专以上学历, 3年以上机械类产品质量检验的经验.

One in four pupils leaving secondary school can't read or write properly.


She taught history at a secondary school.


Over a third of those now at secondary school in Wales attend schools with over 1,000 pupils.







