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英[sɪ'kriːt] 美[sɪ'kriːt]

  • vt.隐藏;隐匿
  • vt.分泌
  • 【过去式:】secreted
  • 【过去分词:】secreted
  • 【现在分词:】secreting
  • 【第三人称单数:】secretes

  1. 藏匿
  2. 隐藏
  3. 侵吞
  4. 【生理】分泌
  5. 隐秘
  1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids;

    "secrete digestive juices"
    "release a hormone into the blood stream"

  2. place out of sight; keep secret;

    "The money was secreted from his children"

If part of a plant, animal, or humansecretes a liquid, it produces it.

e.g. The sweat glandssecrete water.

If yousecrete something somewhere, you hide it there so that nobody will find it.

e.g. She secreted the gun in the kitchen cabinet.

1. secrete在线翻译

1. 隐藏:secret 秘密,暗中的 |secrete 隐藏 | secure 保护; 使安全,获得; 安全的

2. 分泌:secrecy 秘密 |secrete 分泌 | secreting gland 分泌腺

3. secrete的解释

3. 隐秘:secretaryship 书记 |secrete 隐秘 | secretin 分泌素


4. 分泌;分泌物;隐藏:secretcode 密码 |secrete 分泌;分泌物;隐藏 | secretion 分泌;空隙充填

Insulin is secreted by the pancreas.


The drugs were secreted in the lining of his case.


The sweat glands secrete water.


She secreted the gun in the kitchen cabinet.


The pores of your body secrete sweat.


The equilibrium grease secrete, promotes the skin metabolism, and accelerate the skin recover from illnesses.

平衡油脂分泌, 促进肌肤新陈代谢, 加速肌肤痊愈.

The equilibrium grease secrete, softens the horniness, improvement skin.

平衡油脂分泌, 软化角质, 改善肌肤.

To express and secrete human angiostatin in S . cerevisiae.


Oil skin, the skin grease secrete prosperous, the pore is bulky and easily living dark Chuang.

油性皮肤, 皮肤油脂分泌旺盛, 毛孔粗大,易生暗疮.

Oak, I have learnt a little about your secrete.

奥克, 关于你的秘密我略有耳闻.

T cell whether synthesize and secrete lymphatic factor?


Substances differentiated tissues secrete are called chalone.


Nasal mucosa can secrete immunoglobulin A, in order to surround and annihilate the invading bacteria.

鼻腔粘膜还可分泌免疫球蛋白A, 以围歼入侵的病菌.

The greater vestibular glands secrete a small amount of lubricating fluid.


A gland can secrete oil through its ducts.


Restrain the inflamed phenomenon and resist acne, balance greasy secrete.

快速改善暗疮红肿发炎现象,抑制粉刺暗疮滋长, 平衡油脂分泌,清爽而不油腻.

The pleurae are serous membranes, which mean they secrete a lubricating fluid, called serous fluid.

胸膜为浆膜, 这意味着它们可以分泌润滑液体, 即浆液.

Squirrels secrete a supply of nuts for winter.


If you want to speak good English. you need to repeat, repeat, repeat. This is the only secrete.

如果你想说一口漂亮的英语. 你就必须重复, 重复, 再重复. 这是唯一的秘诀.

Under specific enviromental information, neuroendocrine cells produce and secrete diapause hormone ( DH ).

在特定的环境条件信息下, 神经分泌细胞产生和分泌滞育激素 ( DH ).

The kidneys secrete urine.


Generally speaking, the better breast development the udder cell, can secrete emulsion will also increase.

一般来讲乳房发育越好,乳腺细胞就越多, 能分泌的乳液也会随之增加.

Secreting a characteristic, grow factor basically is belonged to be secreted oneself and by secrete.

在分泌特点上, 生长因子主要属于自分泌和旁分泌.

Activates fibroblasts in the dermal layer to secrete collagen, improving aging problem caused by sunlight.

可激活真皮层中纤维母细胞,分泌胶原蛋白, 改善因阳光所形成的老化问题.

They also secrete a waxy, transparent substance called cutin.


Conclusion Two groups had some similar biological behaviors in cytomorphology, growth process and matrix secrete etc.

结论:两组细胞保持了某些相似的生物学行为,如细胞形态 、 生长过程、基质分泌等.

It can permeate the skin, balance greasy secrete, prevent the acne and keep the skin wet.

能迅速渗透皮肤深层, 平衡油脂分泌,预防黑头、粉刺、面疱的生成,并具收敛 、 保湿、去除新生伤痕之功效.

B cells mature into plasma cells that secrete antibodies.


  • The pituitary secretes several complex hormones.

    出自:Scientific American
  • The underlying epidermis, called the mantle.., secretes the animals' shell.

    出自:R. D. Barnes
  • She had secreted the..figs in the..hem of her striped smock.

    出自:W. Styron


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