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当前位置:首页 单词大全 sicken


英['sɪkən] 美['sɪkən]

  • 【名词:】sickener
  • 【过去式:】sickened
  • 【过去分词:】sickened
  • 【现在分词:】sickening
  • 【第三人称单数:】sickens

  1. cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of;

    "The pornographic pictures sickened us"

  2. get sick;

    "She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"

  3. upset and make nauseated;

    "The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach"
    "The mold on the food sickened the diners"

  4. make sick or ill;

    "This kind of food sickens me"

If somethingsickens you, it makes you feel disgusted.

e.g. The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him...
e.g. What he saw there sickened him, despite all his years of police work.

If yousicken, you become ill.

e.g. Many of them sickened and died.

1. sicken的反义词

1. 使患病:sicken of 厌恶 |sicken 使患病 |sickener 催吐物

2. sicken的近义词

2. 使作呕:sick 病 |sicken 使作呕 | sickness 病

3. 使生病/使作呕/使生厌/生病/想作呕/生厌:sickbed /病床/ |sicken /使生病/使作呕/使生厌/生病/想作呕/生厌/ |sickener /催吐物/令人失望或厌倦的事物/

4. 作呕:flowers 花 |sicken 作呕 | lightning 电击

(old-fashioned)The baby sickened and died before his first birthday.


(British English)Faye hasn eaten all day─she must be sickening for something .


The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him...


What he saw there sickened him, despite all his years of police work.


Many of them sickened and died.


In all sicken crowd, 70 % above are concerned with the mood.

在所有患病人群中, 70%以上都和情绪有关.

Although discover oneself also are put in sicken gene, dan Bulin expresses to this hopeful.

尽管发现自己也存在患病基因, 但布林对此表示乐观.

In times like this he find his complacency sicken and die in him.


However, sometimes the virus can sicken hummamshumans.

但是, 有时候这种病毒可以使人致病.

Fitzpiers had hardly been gone an hour when Grace began to sicken.


When not treated with reasonable respect it will sicken and die.


However, sometimes the virus virus can sicken humans.

然而, 有时这病毒可以感染人类.

When the sicken child feel into asleep, the mother slipped in.

生病的孩子睡着后, 他妈妈蹑手蹑脚进来了.

Odours, when sweet violets sicken , live within the sense they quicken.


However, sometimes the virus can sicken humans.

然而, 这种病毒有时也使人发病.

The animal began to sicken and soon died.


I began to sicken of the endless violence shown on television.


Syris Thalla fell! Her gardens rot and sicken . Fear me , undead host.

赛利斯塔拉陷落了! 她的花园正在变质和腐烂. 准备接招吧, 亡灵战士们.

After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxis my sicken me.

三十岁之后, 看见破旧肮脏的士都心烦,拜托!

They have no fear. Why do they sicken and die?

他们无所畏惧, 为什么他们也会患病、死去 呢 ?

They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.


No, we never sicken with love twice.

不, 我们永远不会经历两次爱情.

However, some times sometimes the virus can sicken humans.

然而, 有时也会使人患病.

However, sometimes the virus can sicken humanS humans.

然后, 有时候这种病毒可能感染人类.

Their business methods sicken me.


The dog began to sicken and soon died.


Want to maintain an order, the operation excises sicken viscera, reach hospital of department of gynaecology.

要想保命, 手术切除患病脏器, 到妇科医院.

  • Laura sickened with 'flu.

    出自:E. Waugh
  • William the chow began to sicken and fail.

    出自:C. Harman

上一个:comedie larmoyante

下一个:come to the right shop




