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当前位置:首页 单词大全 skunk


英[skʌŋk] 美[skʌŋk]

  • 【过去式:】skunked
  • 【过去分词:】skunked
  • 【现在分词:】skunking
  • 【第三人称单数:】skunks

  1. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible;

    "only a rotter would do that"
    "kill the rat"
    "throw the bum out"
    "you cowardly little pukes!"
    "the British call a contemptible person a `git'"

  2. a defeat in a game where one side fails to score

  3. street names for marijuana

  4. American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae

  1. defeat by a lurch

Askunk is a small black and white animal which releases an unpleasant smelling liquid if it is frightened or attacked. skunks live in America.

skunk is a type of powerful, strong-smelling marijuana.


1. 讨厌鬼:.以假名字<>(skunk)被运进各大影院. .当拍摄开始的时候 有一个死在斯温尼.陶德手中的幽灵合唱<>(The Ballad of Sweeney Todd)的场景 除了前面提到的克里斯托弗.李 饰演幽灵的还包括安东尼.海德 但后来因为蒂姆.波顿觉得这些歌对于一部影片来说 太过戏剧化了 就给剪掉了

2. 臭鼬鼠:而蝙蝠、花栗鼠(chipmunk)、臭鼬鼠(skunk)、松鼠、兔子、骆马(llama)也曾被报告感染西尼罗病毒[4]. 在2002年,其它四种新的传染途径被确认及报告:包括(1)输血,(2)器官移植,(3)经由胎盘传给小孩,(4)经由哺乳传给小孩,

3. 鼬鼠:黄鼠 YELLOW SQUIRREL | 鼬鼠skunk | 香(银)鼠 LASKA

What do you get when you cross a bear with a skunk?


Gas skunk : You may not have noticed, but we have a building thing happening here.

你也许没注意到, 但我们这有桩工程事故.

They'll take skunk urine extract any day.


That was a rotten thing to do, you skunk!

那种事做得太缺德了, 你这卑鄙的家伙!

A skunk a stump . skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought skunk stunk.

一只香鼬立正在树墩下, 香鼬以为树墩收臭, 而树墩又觉得臭鼬收香.

A keen smell of skunk was left Behind.


S: Take your hands off me , you skunk! You know what I am going to say before I started.

斯: 把你的手拿开,恶棍! 在我开口之前你就知道我想说什么了, 你明知道不会借钱给我.

Gas skunk : Gas skunk, terrorize!

毒气兽, 变身!

Your pineapple looks like a skunk.


You find 604 Neopoints , a Eau De skunk, also a Fancy Perfume Shelf!

你找到了604尼奥点数, 臭鼬香水,和奇特香水架子!

The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.


I'd get you underarm injections? to stop you stinking like a skunk!

我会帮你做腋下注射 ─ ─让你不再像只臭鼬一样难闻!

What? You rat! You skunk! We had a deal!

什么? 你这只沟鼠! 骗子! 我们有协议的!

It's not certain whether the advent of skunk has increased these reactions.


It is the Kookaburra ( Porcupine ) and skunk Kingdoms that greet you today.

今天是笑翠鸟 ( 豪猪 ) 和臭鼬王国向你们问候.

Let every man skin his own skunk.


Anytime I see a skunk I just run away.


How do you make a skunk stop smelling?


A skunk sat on a stump.


I called Max a skunk. That raised his dander and he gave me this black eye.

我说马克斯卑鄙, 这可惹怒了他,他就把我的眼睛打青了.

Does the young prince play with the wittle bunny and the wittle skunk?


When the skunk sprayed him, the dog turned tail and ran.

臭鼬向狗喷射体液时, 狗扭头就逃跑了.

skunk : Sure, maybe this world. The towers on Cybertron make this thing look like a toothpick.

没错, 在这个世界也许是. 赛博顿上的塔会让它看起来象支牙签.

Mary left the party as drunk as a skunk , I hope she got homw ok.

玛丽带着醉意回家, 我希望她能安全到家.

Did she also take the skunk to her bosom?

她把臭鼬也抱在怀里 吗 ?

The hunter snared a skunk.


  • I'm through with that skunk, I tell you.

    出自:N. West
  • She'll skunk Nell Duncan today, and win.

    出自:D. Delman
  • The uninformed angler will spend day after day getting skunked.

    出自:Field Stream






