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当前位置:首页 单词大全 sluice


英[sluːs] 美[sluːs]

  • 【过去式:】sluiced
  • 【过去分词:】sluiced
  • 【现在分词:】sluicing
  • 【第三人称单数:】sluices

  1. conduit that carries a rapid flow of water controlled by a sluicegate

  1. pour as if from a sluice;

    "An aggressive tide sluiced across the barrier reef"

  2. irrigate with water from a sluice;

    "sluice the earth"

  3. transport in or send down a sluice;

    "sluice logs"

  4. draw through a sluice;

    "sluice water"

Asluice is a passage that carries a current of water and has a barrier, called a sluice gate, which can be opened and closed to control the flow of water.

If yousluice something orsluice it down or out, you wash it with a stream of water.

e.g. He sluiced the bath and filled it...
e.g. Ten minutes later we were sluicing off dust at the fountain in the town centre.
10 分钟之后,我们就在市中心的喷泉里冲洗身上的灰尘了。

1. sluice的近义词

1. 水闸:slugtuning 铁心调谐 |sluice 水闸 |sluicegate 水闸;冲沙闸门

2. 水门:sluice valve 水闸 |sluice 水门 |sluiceway 闸沟

3. 馏槽:sludge tank 泥浆沉淀箱 |sluice 馏槽 |sluice box 洗矿槽

4. sluice

4. 流槽;水沟挡板:sluggish circulation 缓流循环 |sluice 流槽;水沟挡板 |sluice dam 水沟挡板

The ship's crew was sluicing down the deck.


He sluiced the bath and filled it...


Ten minutes later we were sluicing off dust at the fountain in the town centre.

10 分钟之后,我们就在市中心的喷泉里冲洗身上的灰尘了。

As soon as we opened the sluice, the water poured in.

我们一打开闸门, 水就大量地涌了进来.

Out of the sluice springs an inexhaustible supply of water.


They regulate the flow of water by the sluice gate.


They sluice the streets down every morning.


Braving the explosion of the boiler, he rushed forward and turned off the sluice gate.

他冒着锅炉爆炸的危险, 冲上去关掉了闸阀.

As soon as the sluice gate was opened, the water surged in.

水闸门一开, 水便一下子涌了出来.

Due to the deterioration of water environment, corrosion of steel sluice gate becomes very serious.


Another sluice gate keeps floodwater out of the lake.


Flood water is discharged through the sluice on the Three Gorges Dam on June 19, 2007.

2007年6月19日随着三峡大坝的泄洪, 滞留了多天的洪水倾泻而下.

Gezhouba dam is one of the largest sluice gates on a inside river in the world.


The excavation of Shanghai Zhidanyuan relics makes the recurrence of a splended Yuan Dynasty sluice.


The seepage of sluice foundation is an important part of the sluice design.


In fact, however , in the process of sluice opening, the outflow is unsteady flow.


But the elasticity assume existed dissatisfactory aspects to rather fluctuant free surface flow downstream sluice.


The sanitation worker has to sluice the steps down every day.


Convenience sluice gate rapidly, energy, fluid resistance small, you can always operate.

启闭方便迅速 、 省力 、 流体阻力小, 可以经常操作.

Open that sluice gate and let water out into the channel.


While we sluice, the manager played with a carved paper knife.

我们讲话时, 经理漫不经心地摆弄着一把雕花裁纸小刀.

Up ahead appeared something like a sluice gate, straddling the tracks.

前方出现了一个大水闸似的建筑, 拦腰横跨在铁道上.

Out of the sluice springs an exhaustible supply of water.


sluice where the river named Zhao Pu, Wu Song Jiang is an important tributary.

水闸所在的河流名叫赵浦, 是吴凇江的一条重要支流.

A major practice is to sluice through pipelines to settling pond.


The bridge also serves as a dam, with sluice gates under the arch ways.

此桥也被当作大坝使用, 桥拱设有闸门.

We opened the sluice and the water poured in.


The foundation seepage and bypass seepage form a complicated 3 D seepage field in sluice.


The finite applied to solve the 3 D seepage field of layered foundation of Jiangtanghu sluice.


The hoisting forms for tailrace sluice gate of power house of hydropower station are various.


  • Open the sluice that let out the water.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • He..let the rain sluice down on his bare body.

    出自:G. Orwell






