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英['strɪŋə(r)] 美['strɪŋər]

  1. 弦匠
  2. 纵桁
  3. 【建】纵梁
  4. 上弦工人
  5. 【铁路】纵向轨枕
  6. 半工性质的特约记者
  7. 楼梯基
  8. 【船】纵材
  9. 【地】脉道
  10. 特约记者
  11. 长条支承木材
  12. 张弦者
  13. 据匠
  14. 纵枕木
  15. 兼职特约记者
  16. 通讯员
  17. 上弦匠
  18. 上弦者
  19. 长条支承木材具体指纵桁
  20. 斯特林格(人名)
  21. 施特林格(人名)
  1. a member of a squad on a team;

    "a first stringer"
    "a second stringer"

  2. a worker who strings;

    "a stringer of beads"

  3. brace consisting of a longitudinal member to strengthen a fuselage or hull

  4. a long horizontal timber to connect uprights

He picked up extra money as a local stringer for the New York Herald.


A . E . stringer is the author of Human Costume Channel Markers ( Wesleyan University Press ).

史特林格是诗集《人性的外衣》《航标》 ( 卫斯理大学出版社 ) 的作者.

But at the church, stringer said, she saw other people enduring the same fears and struggles.

但在教会, 斯特林格说, 她看到其他人也在承受着同样的恐惧和挣扎.

stringer disagrees, however . " Evolution goes on all the time . You don have to intervene.

但是斯特林格不同意他的看法, 他说: “ 进化无时无刻不在进行,无需你进行干预.

Tungsten occurs as scheelite stringer, dispersion mierograined scheelite and absorbed ions.

钨以白钨矿细脉 、 分散状微粒白钨矿和吸附状等形式产出.

stringer now works on Two Tree Island amassing information and collecting diatoms.


Little could he have imagined the problems that his eventual successor, Sir Howard stringer , would face.

他没有想到这个问题最终会直面他的继任者 —— 霍华德. 斯金格.

He picked up extra money as a local stringer for the New York Herald.







