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英['sʌməraɪz] 美['sʌməraɪz]

  • 【名词:】summarization
  • 【过去式:】summarized
  • 【过去分词:】summarized
  • 【现在分词:】summarizing
  • 【第三人称单数:】summarizes

  1. (作)概括
  2. (作)总结
  3. 概述
  4. 扼要讲
  5. 做...的摘要
  6. 小结
  7. 归纳
  8. 归并
  9. 汇集
  10. 汇总
  11. 列于
  12. 摘录
  13. 简述
  14. 成为…的要点
  1. vt. 总结; 概述 make or give a summary of sth longer
  1. give a summary (of);

    "he summed up his results"
    "I will now summarize"

  2. be a summary of;

    "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper"

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 summarise

If yousummarize something, you give a summary of it.

e.g. Table 3.1 summarizes the information given above...
表格 3.1 是对以上信息的总结。
e.g. Basically, the article can be summarized in three sentences...
这篇文章基本上可以概述为 3 句话。

1. 概述:I.清除率测定 肾在单位时间内清除血浆内某一物质的能力. 临床以内生肌酐清除率(GFR)反映该指标. 正常值平均为90±10ml/min.,血肌酐也可反映肾功能,若在110μmol/L以下时,清除率多正常. A.概述 (summarize)

2. 概括:本文就大学英语写作中常出现的问题谈谈英汉表达的几种差异.一,首先,让我们关注一下英美人与中国人思维方式的不同.英美人的思维方式是直线式的,他们在遣词 造句谋篇上遵循着从一般(general)到具体(specific),从概括(summarize)到举例(exemplify),

She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.


I will summarize what I have done.


The authors summarize their views in the introduction.


To summarize, simplicity is the best art.


The results of the research are summarized at the end of the chapter.


Table 3.1 summarizes the information given above...

表格 3.1 是对以上信息的总结。

Basically, the article can be summarized in three sentences...

这篇文章基本上可以概述为 3 句话。

Aggregate functions are used to summarize all the data in a table.


To summarize 46 cases of severe neonatal asphyxia recovery and nursing.


Objective To analyse and summarize the efficacy of argon green laser photocoagulation on macular hole.


Objective To summarize the experience of caring 3 cases of avulsion of whole scalp.


Objective : To summarize and investigate the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of placenta accreta.

目的: 总结和探讨胎盘植入的病因 、 理、断、理方法及预防措施.

Objective : To summarize the experiences of 80 cases with laparoscopic appendectomy.

目的: 总结80例腹腔镜阑尾切除术的经验.

At Last, I summarize all the paper, and indicate innovation and shortage.

最后, 总结全文 、 指出本文的创新之处和需要进一步完善的地方.

Objective : To summarize one effective treatment. lower eyelid blepharoplasty.


Objective To summarize the nursing points for patients with brain hemorrhage after cardiac valve replacement.


Objective : To summarize the clinical application and efficacy of astragalus injection in acupoint injection.

目的: 对黄芪注射液在穴位注射疗法中的临床应用及其疗效进行综述.

Let's summarize the discussion and prepare a memorandum.


Objective To summarize the treatment experience of idiopathic membranous nephropathy ( IMN ) in the hospital.

目的总结我院原发性膜性 肾病 的治疗经验.

Objective To summarize experiences of treating ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) by surgical operation.

目的总结婴儿室间隔缺损 ( VSD ) 外科手术的经验和体会.

Objective : To summarize and discuss the aetiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of gallbladder carcinoma.

目的: 探讨原发性胆囊癌的病因 、 临床表现 、 诊断及治疗方法,总结原发性胆囊癌的治疗经验.

The sixth part summarize the article's study and point out the limit of study. '


Article summarize common characteristics of three modes finally, and propose next direction of research.

文章最后总结了三种模式的共同特征, 提出了下一步研究的方向.

Objective : To summarize the experience in treatment of biliary residual stones after operation with endoscopy.

目的: 总结纤维胆道镜在治疗术后胆道残余结石的经验.

To summarize our experiences and lessons of difficult tracheal intubation for clinical anesthesia reference.


How will you summarize the management philosophy in a sentence?


Objective : To summarize the experience of clinical management of 12 cases splenic aneurysm ( SA ) .

目的: 总结12例脾 动脉瘤 的临床诊断治疗经验.

Academic group spread out a harangue to this, summarize main point of view now after.

理论界对此展开了热烈的讨论, 现将主要观点综述于后.

Objective To summarize the experience of laparoscopic common bile duct exploration ( LCDE ).

目的总结运用腹腔镜胆 总管 探查术的治疗经验.

Objective To summarize the experience in 17 cases of arthroscopic posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.


The present review summarize the quality, distribution, metabolism and physiological action of taurine.

本文综述了牛磺酸的性质 、 分布 、 代谢、生理功能及其在动物营养中的应用.

Objective : To summarize the traumatic asphyxiation adult clinical signs and treatment experience.

问题:目的: 总结成年人创伤性窒息的临床特征及救治体会.

Objective: To summarize the clinical experiences of anesthesia for traumatic rupture of the bronchus.

结论: 对于外伤性支气管断裂,麻醉处理较为满意.

用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Can you summarize the story?
  2. I will summarize these opinions here, and adding my own comments.
  3. She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences.
  4. 1
  5. The eight categories can be briefly summarized as follows.
  1. I will summarize what I have done.

  1. summarize的基本意思是“总结,概述”,指从众多的事物或现象中归纳出其本质或规律,以利于更好地去理解,强调提纲挈领而无细节。
  2. summarize用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接带疑问词的从句作宾语。
  3. summarize可用于被动结构。
summarize, sum up
  • 这组词语的共同意思是“概括”。其区别在于前者强调“压缩”,后者则强调“合计”。
  • 上一个:summation





