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talent show详...
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talent show

  • n.才艺竞赛;达人秀,选秀节目

  • 业余能手演唱会

Atalent show ,talent competition, ortalent contest is a show where ordinary people perform an act on stage, usually in order to try to win a prize for the best performance.

talent show

e.g. He began his musical career intalent shows...
e.g. At the age of 18, she won first prize in atalent contest.
18 岁那年,她在一次大奖赛中获得一等奖。

1. talent show的解释

1. 才艺展示:此次决赛共分四个环节,分别为自我介(self-introduction),定题演讲(prepared speech)、图片描述(picture presentation)以及才艺展示(talentshow). 除自我介绍外,每个选手的比赛时间为7分钟. 此次比赛主要仿照全国高职高专英语口语大赛的形式进行.


2. 才能展示:Oracle数据库系统管理员(Oracle DBA)就业培训课程才能展示(TalentShow)锻炼沟通能力与展示自己的能力;

3. talent show是什么意思

3. 选秀节目:现在的选秀节目(talentshow)不少,让有才艺的人得以一展长才或圆明星梦. 你个人对这类节目看法如何?你觉得这类节目能传达什麼正面积极的意义?请写一篇约120字的英文作文,说明你的意见.

The girls sacrificed their carefree teenage years, spending four years on the road performing in talent competitions before they were able to release their first album.


Do they like the talent show ? And why?

他们喜欢看才艺秀 吗 ?为什么?

Following, I declare, True self graceful bearing for talent show Let's begin.

下面, 我宣布, 真我风采才艺展示联欢会现在开始.

Who won the talent show ? By what, dancing or singing?

谁在有奖竞赛中获胜? 哪方面?跳舞还是唱歌?

Can you dance? We need some more actors for the talent show?

你会跳舞 吗 ?我们这次才艺演出需要更多的演员.

Sharpay : These are not my chums! They'll steal my talent show.

他们才不是什么密友呢! 他们会抢走我的才艺秀的.

Some people off their cooking skills or compete in a talent show.


Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.


Alex : Sort of a show of skill? talent show?

亚历克斯: 显示技能? 才艺表演?

Our class is organizing a talent show to save money for charity.


The talent show in the evening drew the curtain with guitar playing.


Last week's talent show was a great success.


Last week's talent show a great success.


The junior students gathered together in lecture theatre and enjoyed the English talent show.


Mary was born in Athens , favorite dance age, when small dance talent show.

玛利亚出生于雅典, 自幼喜爱舞蹈, 很小的时候就表现出舞蹈天分.

Heard of them are in Hulu Si, is prepared to test the arts talent show preparation.

听说师傅正在学葫芦丝, 是在准备艺考时的才艺展示做准备.

上一个:take part in





