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team spirit

英[tiːm'spɪrɪt] 美[tiːm'spɪrɪt]

  • (组、队成员的)协作精神,集体精神
  1. the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed

1. 合作精神:38.tactful机智的 | 39.trustworthy可信赖的 | 40.teamspirit合作精神

The spirit of cooperation I have seen in this hall is what is needed in Washington, D.C.


Diligent work with team spirit.


He managed to imbue his employees with team spirit.


team spirit is the core of enterprise culture.


I also have a strong ability to adapt, hardworking spirit, also a high team spirit.

我的适应能力也很强, 有吃苦耐劳的精神, 也有很高的团队合作精神.

We will constantly consummating our service network, information science and technology, and the victory team spirit!

公司也在进一步完善自身服务网络 、 信息科技和致胜团队精神!

Have good sense of team spirit.


The second reason is the old ways, the lack of a collective team spirit.

原因之二是我行我素, 缺乏一种集体的团队精神.

Progress: Explore voluntarily, be aggressive, to learn and explore with team spirit.

二 、 进取: 主动探索、努力进取, 以合作的团队精神学习探究.

Strong independent work ability and upstanding team spirit, hard working.

具有较强的独立工作能力以及良好的团队协作精神, 吃苦耐劳.

Cultivate them with team spirit and professional ethics.


Good team spirit, be able to work under pressure.

良好的团队精神, 能承受工作压力.

team spirit is the core of corporate culture and the key to success!


I have strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.


Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, positive mind and good team spirit.

良好的表达技巧, 并能够自信地介绍公司和产品.

At the same time, the team spirit also in my opinion the Liverpool biggest strong point.

同时, 团队精神也是在我看来利物浦最大的长处.

With strong sense of responsibility, good team spirit, have the courage to grope.

高度的责任心, 良好的团队精神, 勇于探索的精神.

Team sports can cultivate people's team spirit and sense of collective honor.


team spirit and the positive thinking for group benefit.


You need a good team spirit and from day one we have just gelled.


He managed to imbue his employees with team spirit.


From the game the students learn team spirit and realize the importance of cooperation.


It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.


Irreproachable proactive work, a strong sense of responsibility, a strong dedication and team spirit.

品行端正,工作积极主动, 责任心强, 有较强的敬业精神及团队合作精神.

Multicultural and challenging environment, team spirit, English as working language.

多元文化,有挑战的工作环境, 要求具有团队精神, 工作语言为英语.

Swim meets are the best time to get to know your teammates and build team spirit.


Strong sense of responsibility and communication skill . Strong team spirit required. Analytic and strategic thinking required.


Diligent work with team spirit.


Methodical, detailed , intelligent , aggressive, excellent communication skills and team spirit.

思维敏捷仔细 、 进取心强 、 善于与人交往、有团队精神.

There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad.







