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英['θɔːræks] 美['θɔːræks]

  • 【名词复数:】thoraxes

  1. 胸廓
  2. 【解】胸
  3. 【昆】胸部(昆虫体三部分的中间部分)
  4. 胸甲
  5. 胸腔
  6. 胸膛
  7. 胸板
  1. the middle region of the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen

  2. the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates

  3. part of an insect's body that bears the wings and legs

Yourthorax is the part of your body between your neck and your waist.

An insect'sthorax is the central part of its body to which the legs and wings are attached.

1. 胸:用白细胞介素或烟雾人为地激发巨噬细胞,然后注入白藜芦醇. 另一个试验,注入红酒提取物,但没有进行人工的炎症诱发. 研究人员发现,无论是吸烟者或COPD患者,其白细胞介素的产生减少近一半. 这项试验结果公布在11月份的<>(thorax)杂志上.

2. 胸廓:1、由于目前选择乳房假体大小的标准是基于尺寸(dimensions)而非容量(volumes),因此在选择解剖形假体时,建议着重考虑胸廓(thorax)高度与宽度的差异程度,并根据胸廓的尺寸确定假体的高度和宽度.

3. 胸部:昆虫的身体分为[[头部]],[[胸部]](thorax)和[[腹部]](一译:下体)(abdomen). 头部有着各种感觉器官. [[触角]](antenna)除了有触觉外,有时还会传递气味信息. 在某些雄性蚊子中,触角甚至有听觉,借助触角,它们才能听见同类雌性蚊飞行震动时的声音,

4. 胸腔:一种新型呼吸检测技术能成功发现患者的肺部肿瘤,甚至对于早期癌症也有一定的效果. 这一结果发表在了<>(thorax)上. 作者表示,此方法很可能带来癌症检测方法的革命,并挽救很多人的生命.

Unlike an insect, a spider has eight legs, and its head and thorax are oined.


The thorax is divided into three compartments.


The most common complications were cardiopulmonary insufficiency, lung infection, atelectasis pain and anastomose fistula in thorax.

常见的并发症有心律失常 、 肺部感染 、 肺不张、疼痛、胸腔内吻合口瘘等.

There were 41 lesions . The commonest site was thorax and spine.


Interventionalists traditionally have been more comfortable with CT guidance for biopsies, particularly in the thorax.

介入医生习惯于使用CT引导进行活检, 尤其是在胸部的疾病上.

The classification of Lepidoptera needs comparison of head, thorax and abdomen.

鳞翅目昆虫的分种要从头 、 胸、腹三个方面进行比较.

Our results suggest determining proportional length differences by taking a posteroanterior thorax radiograph.


The scans demonstrate a lymphangioma extending into the neck and thorax.


Methods Left thorax posterior lateral incision was used and hiatus esophagus of diaphragm was enlarged.


Having deep constrictions separating the head, thorax and abdomen, as in insects.

(动物学)分离的头 、 胸、腹部由紧缩分开的, 如某些昆虫.

Objective: To improve the and treatment and study the clinical feature of thorax injury.


Remove or raise gown, avoiding unnecessary exposure and providing full visibility of thorax.

脱去或提高外衣, 避免不必要暴露,充分露出喉部.

Its thorax is long. Its front legs are sharp and strong.

它们胸部很长, 它的前腿又锋利又强壮.

The insects are tracheate arthropods in which the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.

昆虫是有气管的节肢动物,体躯分为头部, 胸部和腹部.

Herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax following traumatic diaphragmatic rupture can simulate acute tension pneumothorax.


Unlike an insect, a spider has eight legs, and its head and thorax are joined.

和昆虫不一样, 一只蜘蛛有八条腿, 而且它的头和胸是连在一起的.

Objective To discuss the application of CT fluoroscopy and Pinpoint guided percutaneous transthoracic biopsy in thorax.


Your thorax glitters forever with a diamond necklace.


Objective Using fibrobronchoscope to treat the thorax postoperative pneumonitis or atelectasis.


It has a distinctly globular thorax.


Objective To investigate the CT findings of thorax and abdominopelvic with pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis.


The sites of CT guided biopsy and therapy included the thorax, abdomen, musculoskeletal system and brain.

包括CT导引经皮活检和介入性治疗,它涉及胸部 、 腹部 、 肌肉骨骼系统和颅脑等部位.

The head, the thorax and the tail comprise the trumsverse segmentation.

头 、 胸和尾具有横向的分节.

The study was published in thorax online.


The eggs are held in a brood pouch between their extended abdomen and thorax.


Fingers are brought down slowly , exerting gentle pressure against the thorax.







