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touch off

英[tʌtʃɒf] 美[tʌtʃɔːf]

  • 超过,草草写,发射,释放,引起
  1. put in motion or move to act;

    "trigger a reaction"
    "actuate the circuits"

If somethingtouches off a situation or series of events, it causes it to start happening.

e.g. Is the massacre likely totouchoff a new round of violence?

1. touch off的反义词

1. 开(炮等触发:too...to... 太...以致不能... |touchoff 开(炮等触发 |touch on 关系到,涉及到

2. touch off什么意思

2. 触发:touch ground 触及实质 |touchoff 触发 |touch on 略微谈到

3. 放火火灾:totebox 运输斗 |touch-off 放火火灾 |touching test 触摸测试

4. touch off是什么意思

4. 爆炸:taps熄灯号 |touchoff爆炸 | tough fighting激烈战斗

Some slight incident may touch off a major war.


You may touch off a firestorm quite innocently, so be careful then.

你有可能无辜地触发一场风暴火, 所以千万要注意了.

A surprise disruption in oil supplies also could touch off a rally.


The artist had only time to touch off the mountain as the train stopped for refreshments.


In the old days, soldiers used a flaming piece of wood to touch off the gun.

过去, 士兵们用一片燃烧的木头来发射大炮.

Using electron switch touch off cross zero , thus deferent electron sine wave is intact.

用双向晶闸管作为电子开关,双向晶闸管过零触发, 因而输出的是完整的正弦波.






