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英[trɒl] 美[troʊl]

  • v.反复;轮唱(歌曲);用曳绳钓;搜索;滚动
  • n.钓绳;钓饵
  • n.巨人;巨怪
  • 【名词:】troller
  • 【过去式:】trolled
  • 【过去分词:】trolled
  • 【现在分词:】trolling
  • 【第三人称单数:】trolls

  1. (Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains

  2. a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time;

    "they enjoyed singing rounds"

  3. a fisherman's lure that is used in trolling;

    "he used a spinner as his troll"

  4. angling by drawing a baited line through the water

  1. circulate, move around

  2. cause to move round and round;

    "The child trolled her hoop"

  3. sing the parts of (a round) in succession

  4. angle with a hook and line drawn through the water

  5. sing loudly and without inhibition

  6. praise or celebrate in song;

    "All tongues shall troll you"

  7. speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice

In Scandinavian mythology,trolls are creatures who look like ugly people. They live in caves or on mountains and steal children.

If youtroll somewhere, you go there in a casual and unhurried way.

e.g. I trolled along to see Michael Frayn's play, 'Noises Off'...
e.g. He rowed her ashore and then continued trolling around the lake.

If youtroll through papers or files, you look through them in a fairly casual way.


e.g. trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office.

1. 巨魔:No.6 巨魔(troll)巨魔是北欧神话中一种智力低下的食人巨人,相貌丑陋而邪恶,住在洞穴里,保卫着地下的财宝,遇见阳光即会变成石头. 在神的劫难(Ragnorok)中它们曾代表巨人出战,后来逐渐演变为类似矮人的怪物,依旧住在地下,

2. 巨魔战将:希瓦(可选)发条地精(发条):瓶子、2护腕、 相位鞋 、先锋盾 、挑战(可选)月之骑士(LUNA):系带2个,支配,假腿,黑皇,蝴蝶(35分钟),撒旦,分身斧(可选)矮人狙击手(SNIPER):系带3个,支配,隐刀(30分钟),假腿(飞鞋),金箍棒,蝴蝶,大炮巨魔战将(troll ):点金手(10分钟,


3. 食人妖:...直至<>时期,[[甘道夫]](Gandalf)在[[食人妖]]的巢穴发现了敌击剑(同时发现[[刺针 (中土大陆)|刺...成为[[食人妖]](troll)的国度,旅行者都匆匆走过以躲避食人妖.

He trolled the Internet for advice on the disease.


Both candidates have been trolling for votes.


I trolled along to see Michael Frayn's play, 'Noises Off'...


He rowed her ashore and then continued trolling around the lake.


trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office.


And an old troll wish you a Happy Halloween!


Ice trolls are a subspecies of troll that lives in cold climates.


The audience were made up of staff from the Statoil troll A platform.


Some ice troll and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire.


Professor Quirrel: troll in the dungeon! troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know.

奎诺教授: 山怪!在地牢里! 地牢里有山怪! 我想应该通报你一声.

He is a skilled craftsman troll weapons, but also a powerful shaman.

他是一个熟练的巨魔武器工匠, 同时也是一个强大的萨满.

They came upon a mountain troll that was 5 feet tall.


All tongues shall troll you.


The best shot of the cloisters is from the Girls Lavatory door in the troll scene.


The troll Commander , Zuljin , is captured at Hillsbrad.


How much fish did you troll yesterday?

昨天钩了多少鱼 啊 ?

The troll grinned, a full, friendly yellow grin.

矮人露出非常友好、真心实意的笑容, 露出黄色的牙齿.

Shadowguard: This troll Priest racial spell now works with Vampiric Embrace, Blackout, and Shadow Weaving.

暗影守卫: 巨魔牧师的种族法术现在可以影响到吸血鬼的拥抱 、 晕眩和暗影交织了.

Lower Damage: The troll deals 50 % less damage while under Command of the Beast.

降低伤害: 在驯化野兽技能下,巨魔会降低对强兽人的伤害的50%.

Grind to Dust : troll strikes a single player for roughly 500 damage.

粉碎: 巨魔攻击单个的玩家,造成大概500点伤害.

He used a spinner as his troll.


The young man and the troll climbed up to perch on top.


Undead mage rots troll mage smells. Thank god the Horde has the third choice now!

亡灵法师有烂味,巨魔法师有汗味. 感谢上帝,部落现在有了第三种选择!

How could the troll feel such affection toward something he was going to kill?

这矮人怎么会对于他想要杀死的动物,怀着如此的钟爱 呢 ?

troll laughter, shook up the turbulent sea.

巨魔的笑声, 震得海涛汹涌起来.

Criminals troll bus stations for young runaways.


On Halloween, a troll enters the castle and traps Hermione in one of the girls'bathrooms.

关于万圣节, 一个巨魔进入城堡和陷阱赫敏在一个女孩的浴室.

Permanent buff, increases damage to 150 % and sets troll to confused state.

永久性增益, 增加伤害到150%,并且使巨魔处于困惑状态.

The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll.


  • By trolling..we caught silvers, king and dog salmon.

    出自:B. MacDonald
  • Nancy had been..herself,..trolling her scooped neckline under the eyes of Russell's friends.







