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英['trʌblmeɪkə(r)] 美['trʌblmeɪkər]

  1. someone who deliberately stirs up trouble

The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers.


His friends think he's cool, but his teachers think he a troublemaker.

他朋友们认为他很酷, 但老师认为他是个捣蛋鬼.

As he is a troublemaker, no one likes to work together with him.

这个人爱搅局, 谁都不愿同他共事.

In many classrooms, Perry might simply have been regarded as a troublemaker.

在很多课堂上, 佩里可能都被认为是个捣蛋鬼.

My brother, quite a troublemaker as a juvenile, can tie and untie any knot.

我哥哥在少年时经常惹事生非, 但他打结解结是把好手.

They also did not want to be labeled a troublemaker or to lose their jobs.


The landlord grabbed the troublemaker and from marched him out the door.


In the past, he was a troublemaker, but now he has mended his way.

过去, 他是个惹事生非的人, 但现在已经改邪归正了.

Tomi was a real troublemaker , otherwise how could she always make so much trouble for Spike?


By high school Ware was the most celebrated troublemaker in his town.


I would hate you to think me a troublemaker.


Now a troublemaker named Sheba son of Bicri, a Benjamite, happened to be there.

1在那里恰巧有一个匪徒,名叫示巴, 是便雅悯人比基利的儿子.

That damn Li Yang a hooligan. He's been a troublemaker in this town for years!

那个讨厌的李阳是个无赖.这么多年来,他在这个镇上制造了很多麻烦! [警察用语].

He is not only a troublemaker but also a hard nut to crack.


He is from a decent family, and is never a troublemaker.

他是好人家的孩子, 从不招惹是非.

I put the boy down as a troublemaker as soon as I saw him.


One of the gods , Discord, a troublemaker.

其中有位掌管争执的神, 是个麻烦制造者.

If you are not a peacemaker, at least do not be a troublemaker.

如果你不是缔造和平者,那麽, 至少不要做麻烦的制造者.

My image as troublemaker was also solidified by another matter that was totally unrelated to me.


He can't shake off the label of troublemaker.


The heaven and his earth were destroyed by the troublemaker that was below them all.


Just thought I'd warn you, that troublemaker Tiny Tim has cooked your goose with Father Christmas.

所以我想到得提醒你一声, 大家已经欢闹得一塌糊涂了,你可也别辜负了这大好时光呀.

Li Yang has always been a troublemaker.


He's a troublemaker, you should keep him at arm's length.

他是闹事者, 你应该跟他保持一定距离.

The young Prince William is dreamy, but I think he is a bit of a troublemaker.

年轻的威廉王子在很多女生的心目中很迷人, 但是我觉得他总是闯祸,很麻烦.

But we also are committed to a peacemaker and a troublemaker.


He was a troublemaker , a constant storm center at school.

他是个捣蛋鬼, 常常成为给学校惹事生非的中心人物.

Yes, it is so strange . He was a troublemaker at school . All of us hated him.

他过去在学校的表现一向都是品学兼差, 很多老师,同学也不讨厌他.

The boy was labeled a troublemaker.







