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当前位置:首页 单词大全 unbend


英[ˌʌn'bend] 美[ˌʌn'bend]

  • 【形容词:】unbendable
  • 【过去式:】unbent
  • 【过去分词:】unbent
  • 【现在分词:】unbending
  • 【第三人称单数:】unbends

  1. 放直
  2. 使轻松
  3. (使)松弛
  4. 变和蔼
  5. 变直
  6. 【海】卸下
  7. 变融洽
  8. 变得无拘束
  9. 随和
  10. 拉直
  11. 抻直
  12. 解开
  13. 伸直(弯曲的东西)
  14. (弄)宽舒
  15. 宽解
  16. 使休息
  17. 【海】解下
  18. 卸下(帆篷)
  19. 变得不一本正经
  20. 变得随意
  21. 放松(过劳的身、心)
  22. (使)舒畅
  23. 使松懈
  24. 将(弯曲的东西)弄直
  25. 卸除
  26. 变得平易近人
  1. straighten up or out; make straight

  2. unfasten, as a sail, from a spar or a stay

  3. free from flexure;

    "unbend a bow"

  4. make less taut;

    "relax the tension on the rope"

  5. become less tense, rest, or take one's ease;

    "He relaxed in the hot tub"
    "Let's all relax after a hard day's work"

  6. release from mental strain, tension, or formality;

    "unbend the mind from absorbing too much information"

If someoneunbends, their attitude becomes less strict than it was.

e.g. In her dying days the old Queen unbent a little.

1. unbend

1. 弄直:unbedded 不成层的 |unbend 弄直 | unbiased confidence interval 无偏置信区间

2. 不拘泥:unbelieving 不相信的 |unbend 不拘泥 |unbending 坚决的

3. 卸除放直:unbend 弄直 |unbend 卸除放直 | unbent 不弯的

4. 使直:unbalanced mass 不均衡体 |unbend 使直 | unbiased sample 不偏试样

This kind of wire is easy to unbend.


Right now, head, neck and back should up unbend.


Most professors unbend outside the lecture theatre.


She was very formal at first, but then she unbent a little and told a joke.


In her dying days the old Queen unbent a little.


And the chest strength unbend two arms with the arm department, supports the body.

用臂部及胸部力量伸直两臂, 将身体支撑起来.

He is lying on his back, both hands puts either side, double foot unbend.

他仰卧着, 双手放两旁, 双脚伸直.

She finds it hard to unbend, even at parties.


Most professors unbend outside the lecture theatre.


To unbend the arm other muscles in the back of the arm have to shorten.


  • Dr Mitchell was beginning to expand. With Alvina he quite unbent.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • He was snooty, and she felt challenged to try and unbend him.

    出自:D. Dunnett






