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英[ˌvetərɪ'neəriən] 美[ˌvetərɪ'neriən]

  1. a doctor who practices veterinary medicine

Aveterinarian is a person who is qualified to treat sick or injured animals.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 vet

1. veterinarian什么意思

1. 兽医:实际上,收费价格根据动物医院或者诊所的条件(比如是否有专用的、消毒严格的手术室)、兽医(veterinarian)专业水平的不同有一些变化,一般公猫去势手术费为80至100元,母猫卵巢摘除手术费为140元左右;公犬去势手术费为150元,

2. veterinarian的近义词

2. 兽医师:为了获得有关生物学、医学或兽医学方面新的知识或解决具体问题而使用动物进行的科学研究. 这类研究必须由具备研究学位或专业技术人员指导或亲自实施. 如博士(doctor)、硕士(master)、兽医师(veterinarian)、职业技术人员(special technician)等.

3. 医:(三)有专用药房(药柜),配备常用药品、诊断液;兽医(veterinarian)院要有小型化验室;(四)有具备相应资质的动物诊疗人员,其中兽医(veterinarian)院3名以上、兽医(veterinarian)诊疗所2名以上、兽医(veterinarian)诊疗室1名以上;

4. 兽医 yKq中国英语学习网:vet: 兽医 yKq中国英语学习网 |veterinarian兽医 yKq中国英语学习网 | waiter: 侍者(服务生) yKq中国英语学习网

Shelly took the sick cat to a veterinarian.


Please discuss this with your veterinarian.


My childhood dream was being a veterinarian doctor.


I'd say I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats, and he'd say veterinarian.

我说我只想找个地方收养流浪猫, 爹说兽医不错.

A veterinarian who visited one of the affected poultry farms died.


Please discuss this with your veterinarian.


A veterinarian or diagnostic laboratory can find eggs in the horse's feces.


As a British dog, you get to choose ( through an intermediary, I admit ) your veterinarian.

在英国,狗可以自己选择兽医, 虽然我承认这必须通过中间人.

Diarrhea in newborns can be very dangerous, so consult a veterinarian for advice.

拉稀对于新生幼犬来说是非常危险的, 应当立即咨询兽医师.

A Memphis veterinarian said the cat may have lived off of its excess fat.


Pancreatitis can occur a known cause, but a veterinarian typically will find and treat inciting factors.

胰腺炎可在未知原因下发生, 但是兽医都会寻找和治疗诱发因素.

Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed.


Immunization is limited by techniques and tolerances, hence should be administered by a veterinarian.

接种疫苗是的技术和容量是受限的, 因此,应由兽医来执行.

The veteran arean veterinarian says tracks trucks and other modern are taking the place of camels.


Male cats that develop urinary obstruction should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.


veterinarian Evelyn Ivey squirts medicine down a boa constrictor's throat.


Is there anything that would prevent you to become a veterinarian at the same time?

又有什么会阻挡你成为一个兽医 呢 ?

Communication with, and assistance for treating veterinarian, farrier, fire brigade, sanitary organisation police.

与兽医, 蹄铁工, 消防队, 卫生组织,保安队交流或提供协助.

Take the incurably sick dog to the veterinarian and ask him to put it away.


He is a veterinarian, he is very kind to animals.

他是位兽医, 他对动物们可好了.

Sick pets with cold noses should be seen by your veterinarian.


Our veterinarian told us,'some dogs just don't accept cats under any condition. '

兽医告诉我们说, “ 有的狗在任何情况下都不接受猫. ”

Shelly took the sick cat to a veterinarian.


If your pets get sick, you can have them treated by a veterinarian.

假如你的宠物病了, 你可以去找个兽医来医治它们.

Take your pet to the veterinarian for any needed shots and a parasite check.


I raised the hearts of a strong desire, I would like to become a veterinarian.

我的心中升起一种强烈的愿望, 我想成为一名兽医.

She rose to head veterinarian the year before her appointment.


Call your veterinarian immediately if you think your cat is showing these symptoms.


Medical institutions, drug stores, veterinarian institutions, pasturage veterinarian institutions and research laboratories may purchase controlled drugs.

四医疗机构 、 药局 、 兽医诊疗机构 、 畜牧兽医机构、医药教育研究试验机构得购买管制药品.

Jack will be a good veterinarian, because he has a way with animals.

杰克会成为一个优秀的兽医, 因为他对付动物颇有一手.






