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英['vɪsərə] 美['vɪsərə]

  1. internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity);

    "`viscera' is the plural form of `viscus'"

viscera are the large organs inside the body, such as the heart, liver, and stomach.

1. viscera什么意思

1. 内脏:广义的内脏(viscera)概念是指身体内部的器官,狭义的内脏是指绝大部分位于体腔(胸腔、腹腔和骨盆腔)内的器官,一般包括消化、呼吸、泌尿和生殖四个系统,其共同特点是:每个器官都直接或间接地以一端或两端与外界环境相通,


2. 脏:内脏(viscera)包括动物的心、肝、胃、肠、脾、肾等,一般不包括肺. 头部的肌肉组织(包括舌)一般也可以属于肉,也可以归类为副产品. 条文理解 卫生标准操作程序(SSOP)指食品企业所必须实施的文件化的卫生控制程序. 是对食品加工过程卫生的控制,

3. 脏腑 脏器:visbreaking 减粘 减粘裂化 减粘轻度裂化 破粘裂化 |viscera 脏腑 脏器 |viscera-statedoctrine 脏象学说

4. 内脏 肠:guts 肠 |viscera 内脏 肠 | entrails 内脏 肠

Disposal of viscera is often problem.


They may grow so large as to compress adjacent viscera.


Medical images in different modality display different characteristic information of human viscera and pathological changed tissue.


Sports motions can cause the redistribution of viscera blood flow.


Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.

热毒内陷脏腑时伴恶寒发热, 口干渴, 烦闷.

Disposal of viscera is often problem.


It also was proved that and falling of viscera and generation according to the metabolism theory.


They may grow so large as to compress adjacent viscera.


Luobing ' were diseases related with capillary 'ufffd 'ufffd s injury and noted by circulation obstruction and viscera drawback. '

络病是以络脉损伤为基础,以气血瘀阻为特征,以 脏腑 功能障碍为临床表现的一系列病症.

Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonic examination on in injuries of abdominal parenchymal viscera.


Even the ugliest human exterior may contain the most beautiful viscera.


Second, viscera Injury: MCTD and overlap syndrome and other patients, can Wuzangliufu involvement.

二是脏腑损伤: 在MCTD和重叠综合征等患者, 五脏六腑皆可受累.

Conclusion: Ultrasonography plays an importance role in the diagnosis of injured hollow viscera.

结论: 超声对于空腔脏器损伤具有一定的诊断价值.

The internal organs inside the thoracic and abdominal cavities are often called viscera.


The direct causes of death was as follows , viscera failure, gastric bleeding, infectious shock.

直接死因为脏器衰竭 、 消化道出血 、 感染性休克.

Adhesions resulting from a surgical procedure can cause pain, especially with movement of viscera.

粘连源于手术操作,能导致疼痛, 尤其是内脏移动时.

The chronic renal failure concern a lot of viscera and bowls, especially the spleen and kidney.

正虚有气、血、阴、阳之不同,涉及脏腑较多, 主要在脾、肾两脏.

Scrape off scales of live croaker, dig a net viscera and gills, wash.

将活黄花鱼刮去鳞, 掏净内脏及鳃, 洗净.

Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography in the examination of injured hollow viscera.

目的: 探讨超声对空腔脏器损伤检查的诊断价值.

Determination of aluminium in viscera is conducted by adopting microwave digestion technique.


Herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax following traumatic diaphragmatic rupture can simulate acute tension pneumothorax.


Used for chest cutting of pig, ox , sheep , etc. to clean viscera and split the carcass.

用于猪 、 、 等牲畜的开胸以便操作人员对胴体的掏内脏及劈半之用.

Assayed pathology shows ASAC makes cancer cells dramatically decreased, but the viscera are not obviously damaged.

病理学分析表明,给予ASAC的小鼠的肿瘤组织大面积坏死, 各脏器病理检查,除高剂量ASAC组肝细胞有明显的颗粒样变性外,其它脏器并无明显损伤.

To detect Cu in fishes viscera and river's bed mud by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.


Want to maintain an order, the operation excises sicken viscera, reach hospital of department of gynaecology.

要想保命, 手术切除患病脏器, 到妇科医院.

A thoracotomy provides excellent exposure to divide the adhesions between the trapped viscera and lung parenchyma.


The technical conditions on the supercritical fluid extraction ( SFE ) of lipid from scallop viscera were studied.

采用 超临界 萃取技术提取扇贝内脏脂质,并对其工艺条件进行了研究.






