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volunteer work

  • 志愿者工作


其实我早就想做一点 志愿工作 ( volunteer work ),但不知道该做什么,所以现在我有这个机会我很兴奋! (想参加的朋友,请转发这条微博,再写下你做过最有意义的好事。


入学以后,每学期做20 credit hours(20个学分)的volunteer work志愿者活动),GPA达到3.5,就可以获得下个学期的tuition waiver。


... 义务劳动强迫劳役 duty service 志愿者工作/义务劳动 volunteer work 公民劳动义务 civic duty to work ...

Volunteer work gives her life (a sense of) purpose.


They are supposed to do sixty class hours of volunteer work before graduation.


The Red Cross is trying to get more young people involved in doing volunteer work.


Charlie Hill pitched in to help with the worst volunteer work of all - searching for bodies.

查理·希尔参加了最艰巨的志愿工作 -- 搜寻尸体.

She gets special ( or particular ) satisfaction from her volunteer work.


The above information will be only used for volunteer work arrangement.


Derek Fisher did some volunteer work for the Obama campaign.


Of course, volunteer work is nothing new for Kwan.

当然, 志愿者工作对关颖珊来说并不陌生.

Another option to consider is volunteer work.


Books, arts, sports, photography, gardening, volunteer work, etc.

书籍, 艺术, 运动, 摄影, 园艺, 公益, 等.

His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work.


A: What kind of volunteer work?


She later learned therapeutic touch herself and uses it in her volunteer work with hospice patients.


He was awarded a gold medal for his outstanding service to the volunteer work.


In order to good job in the Olympic volunteer work, I made careful preparations.

留学解答资讯网:为了做好这次奥运志愿者的工作, 我做了精心的准备.

Children who do volunteer work are more likely to grow up to be caring adults.


They are avoiding dreaded commutes, doing volunteer work, pursuing college degrees or caring for family.

这些人避开了令人头痛的上下班, 还可以做义工, 攻读学位或是照顾家人.

Review past successful roles, volunteer work, projects and jobs to identify preferred activities and skills.

通过比较过去成功的事迹, 志愿工作, 项目,以及工作来确定你已经具备的行动能力和技能.

上一个:volunteer NGO

下一个:volunteer bias




