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wash out详情
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wash out

  • (使)清洗掉,冲掉或冲垮(桥梁、道路)
  1. prevent or interrupt due to rain;

    "The storm had washed out the game"

  2. wash free from unwanted substances, such as dirt;

    "wash out your dirty shirt in the sink"

  3. wear or destroy by the force of water;

    "The hail storms had washed out the bridges"

  4. remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent;

    "he washed the dirt from his coat"
    "The nurse washed away the blood"
    "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"
    "he managed to wash out the stains"

  5. deplete of strength or vitality;

    "The illness washed her out"

  6. drain off the color in the course of laundering;

    "The harsh soap washed out the delicate blouse"

  7. lose color in the process of being washed;

    "The expensive shirt washed out in the German washing machine"

With permanent tints, the result won wash out.


Such observation could not wash out the interference pattern.


A porous pellet was fabricated by the well - known wash - out process.


I can wash out the marks from the shirt.


Blood may wash out dishonour.


The dirty marks will wash out.


But the picture wash out, really have a bit east Shi demeanor.

但照片洗出来, 还真的有点东施的风范.

I am afraid you must wash out this stain.


Thick black ink like that doesn usually wash out.


I just want to wash out one or two rags.


Was he able to wash out her dirty coat?

她能把她的脏衣服洗出来 吗 ?

I want to wash out oneself, actually how also washes not cleanly.

我想冲刷一下自己, 却怎么也洗不干净.

Was she able to wash out the dirty mark in her dress?

她有办法洗去衣服上的污迹 吗 ?

I just want to wash out one or two dish – choths.


This stain won wash out.


上一个:clean out

下一个:high colour




