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英['wiːnə(r)] 美['wiːnər]

  • n.小熏肠;维也纳香肠(=frankfurter);小鸡鸡(儿语)

  1. United States mathematician and founder of cybernetics (1894-1964)

  2. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll

Accordingly, wiener could conclude that the blackened regions were associated with antinodes of the E - field.

因此, 维纳能够推断出:变黑的区域是同E场的波腹相联系的.

But the wiener filter is optimal for any space in the sense of MSE.


From wiener solution the average canceling - ratio is derived when the interference is a sinusoidal AM signal.


wiener reviewed the history of machine automata segueing into human anatomy.


Image Denoising In The Wavelet Domain Using wiener Filtering.


Jacques Offenbach's real name was Jakob wiener.


A hot dog; a wiener.

热狗; 香肠面包.

For her birthday party , Mary had a wiener roast in her back yard.

为庆祝生日, 玛丽在她家后面的院子里搞个烤香肠聚会.

Since introduced by Norbert wiener ( 1894 - 1964 ), control theory has endured a long period development.

自从维纳 ( 1894-1964 ) 创立控制论以来, 自动控制理论及其应用已经历了半个多世纪的进步与发展.

Then a block - signal formulation of wiener filters and a vector space interpretation of wienerfilters are considered.


The constructivism thought of Cybernetics could tract back to the early organizer wiener and Ashby.


wiener experiment and it is concluded that the photon as electro photon and magneto photon.


This construct was derived from the studies of Norbert wiener, the so - called father of cybernetics.

这一建构源于罗伯特·魏纳的研究, 魏纳被称作控制论之父.

Thereare some classical methods : inverse filtration , wiener filtration , mid - value filtration , Gussian filtration, etc.

经典的恢复方法包括逆滤波, 维纳滤波, 中值滤波, 高斯滤波等技术.

wiener , Norbert . Cyberntics, or Control and Communication in Animal and the Machine [ M ]. Cambridge : M. I. T. Press.

马大猷. 语言信息和语言通讯 [ M ]. 上海: 知识出版社,1987.

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