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wrap up

英[ræpʌp] 美[ræpʌp]

  • 包扎,把…裹起来,掩饰,掩盖,完成,结束
  1. arrange or fold as a cover or protection;

    "wrap the baby before taking her out"
    "Wrap the present"

  2. finish a task completely;

    "I finally got through this homework assignment"

  3. form a cylinder by rolling;

    "roll up a banner"

  4. clothe, as if for protection from the elements;

    "cover your head!"

If youwrap up, you put warm clothes on.

e.g. Markus has wrappedup warmly in a woolly hat...
e.g. Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having towrapup warm...

If youwrap up something such as a job or an agreement, you complete it in a satisfactory way.

e.g. NATO defense ministerswrapup their meeting in Brussels today...
e.g. Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they couldwrap itup quickly.

3. see also: wrap 1;wrapped up

Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat...


Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm...


NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today...


Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly.


Use a cloth to wrap up the wound.


So maybe it does make sense to wrap up warmly before going outside.


wrap up warm ( ly )! It's very cold outside.

穿暖和点! 外面很冷.

Do you think we could wrap up the report by five?

你看我们能在五点前完成报告 吗 ?

Before we wrap up, just a reminder to have the TPS reports done by tomorrow.

我们总结之前, 先提醒一下明天以前要把tps报告完成.

What is a word to describe something you use to wrap up the meat?


You need to wrap up warmly, it is very cold outside.

你得穿棉衣, 外面冷得很.

Oh, please wrap up, you have no idea how much I'm not wrapping up.

噢, “请加快速度”(可能台下有指示), 你们不知道我还有一长串感言还没说咧!

You should wrap up the gift in a paper.


Toothpick gets hurt to wrap up into the hospital, what to come out to become?

牙签受伤进医院包扎, 出来变成什么?

Let's wrap up the job and go home.

我们收工回家 吧.

That wrap up is weighed very, plum him be stranded cannot go to its recapture home.

那包裹重得很, 梅厄自己无法把它拿回家去.

Why don't I wrap up a piece of this pound cake for you to enjoy later?

我给你包点儿磅饼回去吃 怎么样 ?

So maybe it does make sense report wrap up warmly before going outside.


Things will wrap up when everybody's ready for that to happen.


Here a wrap up of today's news.


Six parties were trying to wrap up the talks on Saturday.


When I started to wrap up the fowl, she came in.

我正要把光鸡包起来, 她就进来了.

Be sure to wrap up your son in wool.


Mind you wrap up well if you go out.


People calls up ambulance to wrap up to him at once, inject is hydrophobic vaccinal.

人们连忙叫来救护车给他包扎, 注射狂犬病疫苗.

In cold weather you should wrap up well.


Make sure you wrap up in the cold wind.


I love crisp wintry days when you wrap up in cosy winter clothes.


NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.



下一个:finish up




