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yeast extrac...
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yeast extract

  • 酵母膏;酵母提取物


酵母提取物yeast extract)是酵母经破壁后将其中蛋白质、核酸、维生素等抽提,再经生物酶解的富含小分子的氨基酸、肽、核苷酸、维生素等天然活性成分的物质...


...固体麦芽汁培养基时,加入2%琼脂,加热又叫酵母浸出粉胨葡萄糖培养基,加入琼脂的又叫酵母膏胨配方:1% yeast extract酵母膏) ,2% 急,配制LB液体培养基时,酵母提取物加2.5g,我加了5g,影响细应该会影响的,建议你还是重新配一下,资料上显示的比例肯定...


酵母萃取yeast extract):酵母中含有不同种类的核酸物质、维生素及氨基酸,这些组成中具有天然的保湿功效。


酵母抽提物yeast extract)是一种以酵母为原料经自溶、精制等工艺而制得的营养丰富的天然调味料,在调味品、方便面等食品行业中具有广泛的用途。

Salty flavourings, canned pasta, yeast extract and baked beans also caused the researchers concern.


The seasoned beef, carne asada steak, spicy shredded chicken, and even the rice all include autolyzed yeast extract (hidden MSG).


Tinned pasta and salty flavourings such as gravies and yeast extract are among the foodstuffs blamed by the University of Bristol researchers.


yeast extract WBS the best nitrogen source in liquid culturate, the second was ( NH 4 ) 2 SO 4.

在液体培养中,病菌对氮源的利用以酵母膏为最好, 其次为 ( NH4 ) 2SO4.

This paper studied the applied situation of yeast extract the condiment, and evaluate the results.

介绍了酵母精在调味品中的应用情况, 并对结果进行了评定.

The paper discusses the application of yeast extract to flavoured soup and the adding dosages.


Angel ( Yili ) yeast extract 8000 tons subsidiary project was operation by the end of 2008.

安琪 ( 伊犁 ) 子公司8000吨酵母味素项目已于2008年底投产.

The experiments show that yeast extract improves the flavor and quality of oyster sauce remarkably.


The start of yeast extract production back to early 20 th century.


This paper report that process of yeast extract and analysis of nutritional and flavouring agentsextract.


Amino acids and nucleotides of yeast extract were analyzed by high prssure liquid chromatography.


The experiments show that yeast extract improves the flavor and quality of chicken granule flavoring remarkably.


The effects of amino acids and yeast extract on glutathione ( GSH ) production by yeast were investigated.

研究了氨基酸和酵母膏对酵母发酵生产谷胱甘肽 ( GSH ) 的影响.

In China, more and more food enterprises begin to accept the yeast extract.

在中国, 酵母抽提物目前也逐渐被越来越多的食品企业所接受.

Besides the use as flavor additive, yeast extract is also wildly used in healthy food.







