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The Sci-FI Channel began beaming into 10 million American homes this week.


It doesn't have free Wi FI.

它不提供免费 Wi-Fi。

You should be careful when using public Wi-FI.


All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-FI press.


You can connect the machine to your hi-FI.


If you're buying a new hi - FI , shop around for the best price.


We saw some kids shinning up a drainpipe before legging it clutching a TV and hi-FI.


I'm thinking of buying a hi - FI unit.


But scientists are working hard to turn all this sci - FI into medical reality.


I've got interested in hi - FI . I'm building my own equipment.

我对高保真收音机发生了兴趣, 我正在自己装配一台.

The one bright spot for municipal Wi - FI is public safety.

城市Wi-Fi也 并非一无是处.

But look for Wi - FI compatibility as you shop for wireless stuff.

不过,当你购买无线产品时,一定要看一下是否 Wi -Fi兼容.

To observe the trends of plague FI antibody serums of Microtus fuscus.


Elaborates on challenges and successes the Wi - FI project.

精心准备迎接新的挑战并夺取 Wi -Fi项目的胜利.

Methods 103 cases with calculus in pelvic ureter were examined by conventional fundamental imaging ( FI ) and - HI.

方法对比分析103例盆段输尿管结石的常规基波成像 ( FI ) 与组织自然谐频成像(THI) 的结果.

The effect of the proliferation of intrahepatic elastic FIbers on hepatic FIbrosis ( FI ) and cirrhosis ( Ci ) was not clear.

肝内弹力纤维增生在肝纤维化 ( Fi ) 和肝硬变 ( Ci ) 中的作用尚不清楚.

In measurement, there is a difference between the values of FI and THI.

在测量方面, 应用FI和 THI的 测量值之间存在差异,THI状态下的测量标准有待于进一步研究.

FI catalyst as a high performance catalyst is developed for oleFIn polymerization in recent years.







