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Justin Bieber made his new haircut public on Feb. 21.


A Nepalese child rides in the basket of a bicycle in Kathmandu on Feb. 22.


On Feb 22th, 2018, Wu won the gold medal in the men's short track 500 meter race.


They had to change the date fixed to Feb. 28 th.


We'll change the date to Feb.28 th.


Feb import dual - use monitoring system is linear and IC packaging.


Booking must be made and settled on or before 26 Feb 2009.


This year s festival will be celebrated on Feb. 25.


But after all I gotta improve my English in Feb!


NZDUSD AUDUSD traded at 0.9172 rising 1.5 % the most since Feb. 16.


Feb. 28 . Plum are blossoming along the street and in the hills.

2月 28日 路边的杜鹃花盛开,听说山里的樱花也开了.

Are there any recommendations regarding e - mail? [ Updated 2004 Feb. 4 ]

对于使用的EMAIL有什么建议 呢 ? [ 最后更新2004年2月4日 ]

Ziyuan resumed electricity supply in all areas in Feb. 11, 2008.

截至2月11日上午, 资源县全县范围内正式恢复供电.

Feb 7 th starts Chinese New Year, the year of the rat.

2月7日开始汉语新年, 老鼠的一年.

On Feb.25 th, 1998, Kim Dae - Jung was made the 15 th president of Korea.

1998年2月25日, 金大中 就任韩国第15届总统.

This month's theme is Aged architecture. The deadline is Feb. 21 st!

这个月的主题是[老旧建筑物]. 截止日期是2月21日!

If expired on Jan 23, will be paid by Feb 6, etc.

如果在1月23日到期的, 将在二月6日前支付, 等等.

As of Thursday, Feb 22, the M & K Factory is closed.

字面上理解, 应该是说M & K的一家工厂在2月22日关闭了.






