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NM: Lists symbols from object files.


Listing 2. Output of the NM command.

清单2 . nm命令的输出。

Use the NM command.


Thin, tangled fibers, about 3 to 5 NM in diameter, traverse the clear nuclear area.


The sarcolemma, about 7.5 NM thick , is a unit - membrane like that investing other cells.

肌纤维膜厚约7.5毫微米,同包裹着其它细胞的壁一样, 是一层单位膜.

NM nano super flexible waterproofing paint manufacturing and marketing.


The maximum RLS peaks are at 518 NM ( SDS ) and 373 NM ( SDBS ) .

通过实验发现对于SDS和SDBS,最大共振光散射峰位于518 nm 和373 nm 处.

An LD - end - pumped Nd : YVO _ 4 crystal 593 NM yellow laser by intracavity sum - frequency mixing ( SFM ) is reported.

报道了LD纵向泵浦 Nd:YVO4 晶体,经腔内和频得到593 nm 激光输出的实验研究.

Methods. Using alcohol as solvent, the absorbance were determined at wavelength at 264'u00b1 NM, drew the standard curves.

方法: 采用乙醇为溶剂, 在264±nm波长处测定吸收度, 绘制标准曲线.

Objective To evaluate the immunogenicity, safety and stability of the prepared conjugate ACPS - BOMPC of Neisseria meningitidis ( NM ).

目的 评价脑膜炎奈瑟菌 ( Nm ) A群荚膜多糖和B群 外膜蛋白复合物(ACPSBOMPC)偶联物的免疫原性 、 安全性和稳定性.

Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and pathological features nemaline myopathy ( NM ) .

目的探讨 杆状体 肌病的临床表现和病理特点.

Pumping by Xe flashlamp, the glasses emitted 1540 NM laser successfully.


The maximum absorption of ASC and PSC were 233 NM on ultraviolet spectrophotometry.

经UV扫描 分析,ASC和 PSC在 233nm处均有强烈吸收.

As to the emission at 370 NM, It'should result from exciton recombination radiation.

而在370nm处的发光峰,根据其发光能量, 应该是由于激子复合造成的.

Objective: Determined the expression condition of protein A in R 25 and NM 105.

摘要目的: 测定A蛋白基因在R25及NM105中的表达情况.

Average diameterof the colloidal gold was 10.7 NM and coefficient variation ( CV ) wasl 4.2 %.


The torque increases to incredible 860 NM at 2000 rpm.


Measure of a paper's reflectance with a light of wavelength 457 NM.







