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He insisted that the security council be reconvened that night to authorise the rapid reaction force.


I have not authorised it 'u2014 and I will not authorise it.

我从未认可,而也不会批准. ”

A . We , the undersigned, hereby request and authorise HKSCC.

吾等,即下述所有签署人, 兹要求并授权结算公司.

To re - appoint auditors and to authorise the directors to fix their remuneration.


We authorise the Education Bureau to display the submitted entries for exhibition and education purposes.


EDWARD GREEN: If you order 35,000 then I can authorise payment in 90 days.

爱德华.格林: 如果你订购3.5万件,我可以授权90天内付款.

Where you have given us your permission we might authorise other companies to contact you directly.


We are advised that we can refuse further performance until you authorise a variation.


They must also take responsibility for the actions of anyone they authorise to enter the property.


I authorise Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited to charge the premium due to my card account.


EDWARD GREEN: If you order 35, 000 then I can authorise payment in 90 days.

爱德华.林: 如果你订购3.5万件,我可以授权90天内付款.

Although he's talking about a substantial order , he wants better terms than I can authorise.

尽管他说的订货数量很大, 但他要的条件已经超出了给我的授权.

Your GM level don't authorise you to do this action on this player.







