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当前位置:首页 单词大全 bagel

J: Something simple, how about the bagel and cream cheese.

弄点简单的吧, 面包圈和乳酪.

She was chomping away on a bagel.


Betty is to preferable boil and bake the bagel.


Cream cheese and tomatoes taste great on a bagel.


Sweet, salty, rich or light? no matter the taste , there's a bagel to match it.

不管是甜的 、 咸的 、 浓的或淡的, 面包圈都应有尽有.

Go get a bagel at the McDonald's for me.


James: Something simple. How about a bagel and cream cheese?

简单一点. 百吉饼和奶油奶酪 怎么样 ?

You can't even get a decent bagel in Washington , D . C .

在华盛顾 特区, 甚至都吃不到好的百吉饼.

But what is a bagel?

但是百吉饼是什么 呢 ?

Why does an onion bagel cost more than a raisin bagel?


We continued guessing: Foccacia, english muffin, hamburger bun . Roti , pretzel, bagel. Donut, pappadam, garlic bread.

我们继续猜测: 富可香包 、 英式小松饼 、 汉堡包、印度拉饼 、 椒盐脆饼、百吉卷 、 油炸发面圈、叭叭烫酥 、 大蒜奶油面包片.

So you snapped your wire eating a bagel?


Betty is to better butter Buddy's brother's bagel.


A bagel is a round piece of bread with a hole in the middle.


I doubt that! A bagel will always be just a hard piece of bread!

我不信. 面包圈始终只是一个硬面包!

Do you want your bagel toasted?

您的贝果需要先烤过 吗 ?

Like countless other mornings, I ordered a bagel from the toaster.

一如从前的无数个早晨, 我让面包机做了一个百吉圈.

Hi. Can i get an onion bagel?

嗨能给我个洋葱百吉饼 吗 ?






