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He is broad-chested and narrow-hipped.


I'm 15 and com-pletely flat-chested.


He was bare-chested and barefoot.


He was hollow - chested, squint - eyed, and rather shambling, but spry enough withal.

他胸膛低陷, 眼睛斜视, 步履蹒跚, 但又着实生气勃勃.

That officer of the board , a full - chested, round - faced negro, approached, and inclined his ear.

"那招待是个胸脯宽阔的圆脸黑人.他走近桌子, 侧耳听候吩咐.

General Dreedle, the wing commander, was a blunt, chunky, barrel - chested man in his early fifties.

联队司令德里德尔将军已经五十多岁, 是个态度生硬, 身材矮胖, 胸部宽得象只琵琶桶那样的人.

Look, get out of here and take this flat - chested goody - goody pain in the neck with you.


He went bare - chested even in the depths of winter.


Chest - Broad and deep with good spring - of - rib, however, not barrel - chested.

胸部宽而深,肋骨扩张良好, 然而不能出现桶状胸.

BODY SHAPE: muscular, broad - chested.

身体形状: 很宽的,很多肌肉的胸部.

He was big - chested, big - shouldered and heavy - armed.

他胸肌健硕, 肩膀宽厚,胳膊粗壮.

He is big, a barrel - chested guy who could squeeze her to a pulp.

这个男人应该十分高大威猛, 胸肌发达,有着足以把她揉成一团的力量.

Could this big, muscular, flat - chested , deep - voiced 800 - metres runner , who took the gold, really be a woman?

这个高大 、 壮实 、 平胸 、 声音低沉的800米金牌得主真的是女性 吗 ?






