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The church was consecrated in 1853.


consecrated ground


He was consecrated (as) bishop last year.


['u53ef'u6570'u540d'u8bcd, 'u4e0d'u53ef'u6570'u540d'u8bcd]the consecration of a church'/bishop

教堂 / 主教祝圣礼

He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval.


The church was consecrated in 1234...


God Our Father, we consecrate to you the World Youth Day in Sydney in 2008.

天父, 求你圣化2008年在悉尼举办的普世青年节.

Anoint the basin and its stand and consecrate them.


She helped the maidens prepare and consecrate their lives during their periods of expectancy.


Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.


What experience does is merely to confirm and consecrate our confident dream.


But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate - we can not 6 consecrate hallow - this ground.

可是, 从更广的意义上说, 我们并不能奉献这块土地 - 们不能使之神圣-们也不能使之光荣.

But in a large sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.

不过,从广义上说, 我们没有资格奉献这片土地,也未能给它以荣光,使之神圣.

No one has the right to consecrate another's sacred word regardless of his own belief system.


An altar was set after another youth back, will happy seed consecrate above, pray piously everyday.

另一青年回去后设了一个神坛, 将幸福的种子供奉在上面, 天天虔诚地祈祷.

The priest promised God he would consecrate his life to helping the poor.


consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.

求你以真理祝圣他们, 你的话就是真理.

He poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron's head and anointed him to consecrate him.


But in a large sense we cannot dedicate, we can't consecrate, we can't hallow this ground.

但是,从更广泛的意义上说,这块土地我们不能够奉献, 不能够圣化, 不能够神化.

At the timeadmittedthe medical profession, I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate the service of humanity.

值此就医生职业之际, 我庄严宣誓为服务于人类而献身.

Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it; and they shall consecrate themselves.

26七日祭司洁净坛,坛就 洁净 了.要这样把坛分别为圣.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate - we cannot consecrate - we cannot hallow - this ground.

可是, 就更深一层意义而言, 我们是无从奉献这片土地的 -- 无从使它成为圣地--也不能把它变为人们景仰之所.

KJV Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it; and they shall consecrate themselves.

[新译]一连七天,祭司们都要洁净祭坛,祭坛就洁净了.这样, 他们就把祭坛分别为圣了.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate 'u2014 we can not consecrate 'u2014 we can not hallow 'u2014 this ground.

但, 于更大意义之上, 吾等无法致力、无法奉上、无法成就此土之圣.

You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the Lord your God.

利20:7所以你们要自洁成圣 、 因为我是耶和华你们的神.

consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the LORD your God.

所以你们要自洁成圣 、 因为我是耶和华你们的神.

Well , upload in here and consecrate English and Chinese version to all people who understand love.


But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.

然而,从深一层的意义上来说, 我们根本没有能力奉献这片土地,没有能力使这片土地变得更为神圣.

consecrate your life to the church.


Seven days they shall make expiation for the altar and cleanse it, and so consecrate it.

26七日内,祭司要为坛遮罪,洁净坛; 要这样把坛分别为圣.

  • The custom of the primitive church in consecrating holy virgins..unto the service of God.

    出自:R. Hooker
  • If the consecrated bread or wine be all spent..the Priest is to consecrate more.

    出自:Book of Common Prayer









