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Greek'/Roman'/Hindu deities

希腊 / 罗马 / 印度教诸神

Time is a gentle deity, said Sophocles.

时间之神温雅从容, 索福克勒斯如是说.

Is he a deity bearing off animals that have been sacrificed to him?

这位神会带走供奉给他的牲畜 吗 ?

Temple: Edifice constructed for the worship of a deity. Features commonly include a sanctuary and an altar.

庙宇: 为崇拜神而建的大建筑. 一般包括一个避难所和祭坛.

It is shown how the deity gives life from water.


The deity was hidden in the deepest recesses of the temple.


Only the deity of the ruined temple remains unworshipped in deathless neglect.


The lumi worship Light as a concept rather than owing allegiance to any deity.


The Irony which I invoke is no cruel deity.


There is a tremendous difference in strategy between playing deity and Chieftain.


A single God with an only begotten Son is a deity who adds anSon.


Even In my behind the deity animal also had a little worried.


Here Octavian built a lavished temple to his patron deity Mars, the god of war.


Tantric practices use both ritual and meditation to unify the devotee with the chosen deity.


deity of Men! Goddess of Women! Where Thou gazest, the Dead live!

男子之神, 女子之女神! 汝凝视之处, 死者复生!

Here is Kuhuang Temple, the deity bodyguard absolutely will not knowingly possessing a bride price list.

这里是圣皇殿, 天神侍卫绝对不会故意藏了聘礼清单.

deity series wine is characteristic of obvious delicately sweet.


Another their special status, it is the deity group member of the sea clever barren.

他们的另一个特殊身份, 是沧海灵荒的天神团成员.

According to Hellenic myth, general deity? Zeus has a grandiose temple on Olympus.

古希腊神话中, 总神 宙斯 在奥林匹克山上有一座规模宏大的神庙.

There is a sense of personal attachment between this image of the deity and the family.


He is worshipped as deity.


It's a fictile deity.


In Christ, God veiled His deity to serve and to save humanity.

在基督里, 上帝隐去祂的神性,来拯救人类.

The leader of the atheistic state, the dialectician of materialism should invoke the deity.

这位无神论国家的领袖, 唯物辩证法大师居然谈起上帝来了.

Divinely Morphic: Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri.

神力塑性: 奈落以及其他至少要有强大神力的存在才可以改变卡瑟利的性质.

As a specialized sound body of consciousness, the Mantra is the deity ( divine ) itself.

祈祷文本身就是神, 是专属于意识中的声音体.

Many animals were seen as the manifestation of a deity.


I invoke the stock deity Buffet's quotation to make a further explanation.


  • The Christian Church must maintain its historic faith in the deity of Christ.

    出自:Daily Telegraph







